kit (keep in touch) days


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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a few questions;

does everyone have the chance to do them?
do you have to do them?
how many can you do/do you have to do?
do they have do be done in the 39wks or can they be done if you add the 12 weeks on the end?

anything i might have missed then please add

thanks girlies
does everyone have the chance to do them?
In theory they are an option for everyone on maternity leave, but it depends if your employer wants you to do them

do you have to do them?
No, they are not compulsory and should be agreed between you and your employer. You would also need to agree what rate you would be paid for those days - it does not have to be your normal rate of pay. Your SMP may be reduced for that week by the amount you are paid, so really it's only worth doing if you will earn more from it that week than your SMP would give you.

how many can you do/do you have to do?
Up to 10 in total during the whole of your maternity leave. If you do more than this, you would lose all SMP for the week in which you have done any extra days, even if it is only for one day.

do they have do be done in the 39wks or can they be done if you add the 12 weeks on the end?
They can be done any time during your leave except the two weeks following the birth
I was wondering about these aswell.. I have a question:

How do you get paid for them? through your payroll? Does you maternity allowance then go down?

Claire x
after the 39wks my maternity pay stops but i may stop on for the extra 12wks so i was thinking of doing them then to get some cash?????
I had 2 and didn't get paid because I couldn't be arsed to fart arse around with payroll, although I did get a huge slab of cake and coffee bought buy the cough
sorry me bein thick again lol

im due to go bk in feb (at the end of my 39wks)

i was going to have the extra 12wks without pay but could i go back at the end of feb and just do 1 day per week as kit days instead?
That would depend on if your work are happy for you to do that. In theory yes but in practise your work may prefer not to have you back for those days as they would still have to pay your maternity cover.

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