

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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yesturday i sat watching the paul ogrady show and baby kicked really strongly. its the strongest i felt it. like i could feel it on my hand (i was holding my tummy and running it)
i dunt understand though cos im only 17 weeks?

probably protesting at mum making it watching Paul O'Grady!!! :D

(sorry - cannot stand the guy, really grates on me!)

it is possible you felt it kick, some people feel their baby's move much earlier than others.
:lol: i love paul :)

if u feel it on your hand it is the baby kicking :)

mines been punching and kicking at midnight and this morning lol

hiccupping too its so cutewhen u feel the hiccups lol

mine was demanding food tho i think lol
My little one is a sod for kicking too i'm sure i never felt it this early with my first, :?
He seems to wriggle and move more when DH strokes or talks to my tummy :doh:
I've noticed that the baby has started to react to noises. I can feel him move about whenever there is a loud noise!
I've been feeling proper little kicks as well now, like last night I had my hand on my stomach and I felt the little'en kick my hand! It felt like a little bubble popping at first but now it's starting to feel like a big bubble popping so I know it must be the baby kicking.

aww thats great you will start to feel it more each week
yea u will and when babys outside of uterus u feel it more, only thing i dont like is when my baby uses both feet and hands at same time i hate that such a strange feeling :lol:
It doesn't feel too bad now because it just feels like a tiny little thump but I can imagine it will feel strange when I see a foot poking out of my stomach lol but I can't wait. OH is getting fustrated because he really wants to feel the baby kick.
my oh puts his hand on belly and puts pressure on too so baby knows its him kicks once thats it soon as he moves hand away baby kicks more :p

he always thinks im doing it too but its the baby kicking him least someone gets away with it :p :dance: :rotfl:
ahh wicked, ive been feeling little kicks and stuff but its not that strong but i loved that feeling it was amazing :D
just wait it will get stronger :)

mine kicked a few times when it heard george bush :lol: :(
some times i can see his bum stick out lol and my belly movin bout lol it looks crazy can any1 else see that?

let me no! :cheer:
lil_miss123 said:
some times i can see his bum stick out lol and my belly movin bout lol it looks crazy can any1 else see that?

let me no! :cheer:

OMG it's so strange when I feel him moving when I am laying on my back!! I feel him move and this big lump appears where I feel him but it's to big to be a foot or an arm so I thought maybe he is sticking his bum out! You can actually see the lump sticking out of my stomach.
Vickyleigh said:
lil_miss123 said:
some times i can see his bum stick out lol and my belly movin bout lol it looks crazy can any1 else see that?

let me no! :cheer:

OMG it's so strange when I feel him moving when I am laying on my back!! I feel him move and this big lump appears where I feel him but it's to big to be a foot or an arm so I thought maybe he is sticking his bum out! You can actually see the lump sticking out of my stomach.

yer its ace...he dose it to one side of my stomach! he moves after a bit! but its brill!

dose any1 else feel lil bums stick out! lol
i cant distunguish ant bodyparts yet but its prob because i was a bit on the tubby side before getting pg so there is still prob a bit too much flab there still :lol:

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