Kicked in the stomach during teaching swimming, advice pleas


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi guys,

well, I was as careful and hands off as I possibly could be, but one little girl still managed to kick me in the stomach when I was teaching swimming this morning.

It wasnt' what I would call hard and it didn't hurt me. Do you think it could cause my baby any damage, or cause me to miscarry?

I'm really worried now, and I won't get my scan for abotu 2 weeks. I can't believe this has happened, it's exactly what I was worried about!

Anyone had a similar experience, or know whether my baby is protected? I did read that during the first trimester the uterus is still protected by the pelvic bones, is this true?
If it wasn't a hard kick you should be fine, baby is so tiny in there and under so many layers he probably didn't even flinch :hug:

However, I would advise you to call wither your MW (if you've been allocated one yet) or NHS Direct just so that a professional can put your mind at rest. :hug:
I found this on

The foetus (early baby) is pretty well fixed to the wall of the womb, so there is no particular physical activity which is likely to dislodge it, and the womb is still within the bony part of the pelvis up to 10 weeks, and so is protected from direct blows such as in a fall.

aww hun im sure you will be fine like Emmylou said just get some advice to put your mind at rest.

I know what you mean our little ones at work are just the same i sometimes get a few puches from our older ones when i help out upstairs (with learning difficulties) so i stick with younger ones doesnt hurt so much.

Take care :hug: :hug:
I'm sure you'll be fine hunny :D A friend of mine was kicked by a horse at about 10wks (right in the tummy :twisted: ) and was fine. At this early stage the beanie is very well protected indeed and to be honest if it's a good healthy bean then not much will shift it right now ! :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks everyone,

you've clamed me down a lot. I'm so glad I can come on here and chat, my DH thought I was overreacting when I told him.

I know he's only trying to stop me worrying, but I definitely needed some reassurance.

I haven't felt any different since the kick, no pain or bleeding, so I'm feeling positive about everything.

Will definintely not even go near the kids next saturday! I will 'teach from a distance'!!!

sorry this happened but i hope and tink everything will be fine for you.... how did your midwofe appointment go?
Hi nikkif,

thanks for the reply. My appointment went well. It was not with the midwife who I"ll see for the rest of the pregnancy cause she was too busy and I needed to book in so I can organise my scan.

Filled out a lot of forms, answered lots of questions. She told me to phone the hospital next friday morning to book my dating scan. I should hopeflly get it within a week or two at the outside after I phone.

Oh, and she took my blood pressure, guess what it was?....
100/60!! How low is that! No wonder I have problems when I get up too fast!! She said it was really good though, but it's never been that low!

Hope all goes well the next few days with your relative.
Thanks for your good wishes.

I saw midwife on thur and had a similar experience to you. Lots of forms etc...

Its a new thing in our hospital to get a dating scan between 8 and 12 weeks so am am quite happy i might get a scan earlier than i thought!

Looks like you might too KJ?
Hi KJ, as people have said i think you will be fine, if it helps my nephew jumped on my stomach quite hard when i was in early pregnancy with my eldest and i was so paranoid but she was fine. They are suprisingly tough little cookies in there!! :hug:

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