Keep poorly babies inside?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Oscar has caught my cold and is sneezy, snuffly and coughing. I was wondering whether I should be staying indoors until he feels better? I was meant to go to two mother and baby things today but stayed home from the first one. Also we were going to walk the dog later and go to my parents. I don't want to make his recovery time worse by taking him out in the cold and we could quite easily stay home - I could walk the dog when OH returns from work. He is too young to take anything at the moment.
I personally wouldn't take him to the baby group thing as you don't want other little babies to catch it..... but then for the dog walking and visiting grandparents I would wrap him up cosy and take him out.

The fresh air might actually do him the world of good :)

Hope the little mite is better soon :hug:
You could take him out but I always think how do I feel when I am ill. I like to rest in peace and quiet in my bed!!! If you take him to family they are going to want to cuddle and fuss him and when you're ill, it makes you feel worse to be the centre of attention!!! He may need a quiet day in the warm and then see people tomorrow if he is a bit better? :hug: :hug:
Personally, fresh air always feels nice to me when I have a cold and helps me to breathe, so I think a walk with the dog would be nice, but I'd skip playgroup so as not to spread germs and family visits to give him a break. Also, his tiny body is fighting a cold and maybe exposing him to other people would be a strain on his immune system?
Thanks for the replies :D

Yep I will definitely keep him away from the baby groups, I wouldn't want someone to bring a germridden baby along if mine was healthy, especially as there seems to be a lot of illnesses going around at the moment.

My Mum does like to cuddle him and talk to him loads which will probably be too much for him if he is feeling poorly.

I think we will take the dog for a walk, I will make sure he is wrapped up warmly. It'll do us all the world of good to get out and about. Also he hasn't been sleeping well the last couple of nights as he's been all congested so hopefully that will send him napping :)
I think fresh air always makes you feel a bit better too. Also with your family, it might be a good distraction to take little ones mind off feeling naff?! I always find that visitors are welcome when I feel under the weather anyway for that reason!

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