Just want to live in PJ's Forever


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Does anyone else feel like they can't be bothered to get dress or even make an effort anymore? Or is it just me being a lazy so and so and blaming pregnancy? Cmon be honest.

I just feel like i want to live in my pj's and never want to step foot out of the house as its all to much of a chore.
OH asked last night if we wanted to go out for dinner or maybe even ask my mum to have Harrison while we went to the local for an hour, well i flipped and bit his head off. Bless him he only wanted me to get out of the hosue for a bit.
But i just feel like a big fat whale and its all to much effort to get ready lately, i don't want people to see me as i feel i look a mess all the time.

Don't get me wrong im not sat in the house feeling sorry for myself, just dont see the point in going out till i look good again.
Is it just me ?????

Taking harrison out when OH gets back but stuff like that i dont mind because i know no one i know will see me where we are going.
I am living in my PJs too a the mo, I've given up on my maternity jeans and am wearing sexy (not!) jogging bottoms from mothercare if I venture out, which is a rare occurence these days! Had to peel off my favourite PJ bottoms today and wash them as they were about to walk into the washing machine themselves!!! :lol:
I also live in my PJs right now. I'll only get dressed if I have to go out or if I have any visitors. The joys of being 8 months pregnant! :cheer:
im the same, i dont wanna go out cus i dont want peeps seein me lookin like a whale, but at the same time im climbing the walls being in all of the time, my OH cant win :rotfl:
oh yes i know what you mean too although i am still trying to make the effort to look nice and go out but it is really hard some days and i just want to sit in my pj's all day and do absolutely nothing :D i'm avoiding nice places to eat etc as i have nothing nice to wear anymore. jeans feel too restricting now and none of my nice shoes fit anymore through swollen feet so i'm in baggy clothes all the time and feel huge and don't see the point in buying more clothes as i won't get much wear out of them now. i do love my bump and the way i look now but its so hard to shake off feeling like a whale
OOh i went through that stage too! My version of getting dressed was putting on some different pjs. Lol. I wasn't bothering with my contact lenses either.

But then after a few weeks I felt more like it! Today i'm even wearing make-up (shock horror!)
MissSara said:
Don't get me wrong im not sat in the house feeling sorry for myself, just dont see the point in going out till i look good again.
Is it just me ?????

yep i feel the same too!, i mean i cant be bothered wasting any money on nice clothes when they won't even fit me soon! but a nice new pair of pjamas will :lol: xxxx
i hate buying maternity clothes, i really need new jeans, but totally grudge buying them now because i don't have long left :D

so i have one pair of jeans and 2 pairs of jogging bottoms :rotfl:

also - my feet are so swollen that i can only really wear one pair of shoes :rotfl: yes i am attractive :shakehead: :rotfl:
i was like that the first few weeks and i loved every minute of it so you go a head enjoy your pj's 8) :D :dance:
James if off now so we our lazy for a few hours but manage to do at least one thing productive a day :lol: :lol:

sarah :wave: :wave:
I'm looking forward to getting to this stage :D Still at work at the mo so life carries on as normal, at weekends too, but I can't wait til I'm off and can have afternoon naps :sleep:

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