Just want baby to hurry up and get here! SO tired!


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Oh God.. I'm so exhausted.. I really am..

I feel so nauseous.. dizzy.. I can't concentrate at work which means I'm falling to the bottom and not hitting my sales targets which means less wages at the end of the month (much less since work chanegd their commission scheme!!)

I am only about 6 months pregnant yet I am fed up with it already.. I'm exhausted..

Anyone else feel so drained?? :cry:

I can't cope! I really can't cope.. I don't know what to do.. we're under-staffed here at work, and even asking me for over-time!!! I can't do it.. I'm working too much.. I'm scared that I'll lose my job because I'm not hitting my targets and I'm coming in tired and making looads of mistakes.. :(

*sigh* I just want to crawl away and cry :cry:
im with you there sweety! lol

i am knackerd 24/7 and im only 4 months pregnant lol

i cant wait to leave work!!!

could you afford not to work?
me too i was beginig to think it was just me who was so so tired all the time...so much to haveing an energy boost in 2nd tri because im still waiting :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: doesnt help that i have a 2 year old tht has way way way to much energy in an afternoon and heres me struggling to keep my eyes open :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
I woldn't say I feel drained, but I don't have much energy to do simple every day things and I get tired easily :( I dunno how you cope with working in sales while pregnant! I was doing that before I got pregnant and it was stressful enough then. I really feel for ya!

You got anything nice planned for the weeked to try and make you feel a bit better? xxx
Hi :hug:

I'm right there with you.

I'm so exhausted that I too feel dizzy and sick with it. I'm off work today cos I got about 2 hours sleep last night. I phoned the doctor to make sure that I shouldn't be worried and he said that there's nothing they can do.

He did recommend checking iron levels so I've got my 28 week check in a fortnight so I'm having bloods done then, he said if I was anaemic (sp?) then that could be making me feel dizzy and would make me feel tired so maybe see about getting yours checked if poss?

Good luck honey, hope you get a good nights sleep soon :sleep: :sleep: :hug:

Jo x

I completely understand. I work full time and have a 200 mile weekly commute. I have to say that although I am very tired (somedays my limbs feel heavy like I have the flu), it has not got worse than at 20 weeks. I am not 26 weeks and want the pregnancy over!!

I was really worried about it about a month ago and even had tests for anaemaia and diabetes but everything was normal.

I have found that having a lighter lunch such as salad has helped (I was craving carbs and maybe not eating so healthily!) and then if I get hungry having a snack 3.30 ish. Also drinking more cold water. I think there is no one miracle cure but there are small things you can do which add up.

Also I believe some medication can cause greater than normal tiredness when pregnant. If you are taking any maybe you can discuss with GP?


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