Just to let you know UPDATED


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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Im hoping that the hospital will let me go down and be checked as Im now in pain

Had a bath earlier which done nothing so me and OH decided to cuddle on bed and done the deed. Since then the pressure and back ache has got lots worse and for some strange reason is more painful when Im standing than sitting but sitting is uncomfortable.

Hopefully I'll be able to update you all soon. I will be contacting minime on here when baby arrives and hopefully she will be able to come on here and let you know if Ive been kept in.
Good luck!!!

Sounds like the real deal to me!
I was sent home after an hour of being there, my cervix is softening and thinning and apparently the pain is due to the fact that Im little and the baby is big. I was told to stick to the paracetamol and warm baths and hopefully it wont be long. My cervix was still high as well (the internal was rather painful!)
At 6am this morning I woke up to go to the toilet and couldnt move my legs for the pressure in my pelvis, I managed to get into the bathroom but was literally holding on to every ince of the bed and walls on the way there. Ive usually got quite a high pain threshold but I couldnt even bend my knee and was crying in pain for a good hour and half, eventually managed to get myself back onto the bed but was pretty much sitting up for the rest of the time I was there.

The pain at the moment isnt nowhere near as bad as it was earlier but I still cant walk properly and have restricted movement in my hips. Im hoping that the immense pain earlier was the cervix beginning to dilate.

When I was in last night they told me that they cant really do anything to help me as they dont class pregnancy as full term until 38 weeks, although when I complained about the registrar I was told on the phone that they wouldnt consider inducing me etc until I was full term so no point in going back to see the consultant until I was 37 weeks.
awww darling dont know what to say apart from give u some hugs :hug: :hug: have u had a bath and some magic :roll: paracetamols?? ( i roll my eyes cause I cant believe they would ever work :lol:)
I had a shower this morning as I couldnt be bothered to wait for the water to heat up for a bath (got an old copper tank boiler here) and had paracetamol at about half 6. Was in so much pain I told Ian if I was offered a c section without pain relief Id have accepted it lol. Was also thinking along the lines that if I couldnt cope with the pain now then god help me once Im in labour as I wont be able to do it. Think I could end up changing my mind on not wanting an epidural

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