Just Noticed


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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There is a few of us lovely ladies who are having there scans next thursday 27th. I have mine at 4pm and cannot wait to find out the sex. :dance: :cheer: There sure will be a few of us posting about our scans and what team we are! :D :cheer:

Good Luck With Your Scans Ladies :cheer: :dance:


Cixes - 11.10am
Kaybee - 3pm


jem24 - Morning


Vicki83 - 10.30am
mirella - 2.10pm
Flossy82 - 4pm
Woop woop I love guess the colour of the bump....so much fun!!!

Vicki are you finding out this time???? :hug:

I think you will have a BOY
I'm Tuesday at 3pm woo hoo - not quite Thursday, but saying that there was so much hanging around last time I wouldn't be surprised if Im still there :lol:
im wednesday morning cant wait for scan but scared of amnio. I dont want it done but OH wants it, so im not gonna be selfish, as he does have a say in things too.
Jaidy said:
Woop woop I love guess the colour of the bump....so much fun!!!

Vicki are you finding out this time???? :hug:

I think you will have a BOY

Yip finding out if LO plays along, unlike Sophie who remained a secret till she was born!
Vicki83 said:
Jaidy said:
Woop woop I love guess the colour of the bump....so much fun!!!

Vicki are you finding out this time???? :hug:

I think you will have a BOY

Yip finding out if LO plays along, unlike Sophie who remained a secret till she was born!

Yeah bless her, I remember that!!!! Little tyke lol.

You hoping to be Team Blue or Team Pink?
i have mine on thursday!!!!!! at 2.10pm. i'll find out sex but keeping a secret as my DH doesnt want to know!!!!! although i'll let you know girls.....
good luck all the girls who have their scans next thursday (just relised my eldest will be 5 next thursday too lol)
Jaidy said:
Vicki83 said:
Jaidy said:
Woop woop I love guess the colour of the bump....so much fun!!!

Vicki are you finding out this time???? :hug:

I think you will have a BOY

Yip finding out if LO plays along, unlike Sophie who remained a secret till she was born!

Yeah bless her, I remember that!!!! Little tyke lol.

You hoping to be Team Blue or Team Pink?

Soph's still an awkward little girl to this day :lol:

Honestly, I'd like another girl but boy is just as good! Thing is my pregnancy is exactly the same as my last so who knows, 5 days till we hopefully find out!
I have mine on wednesday :D but our hospital wont tell you the sex so ill have to pay for a private gender scan :evil:
Aaww that's crap Sara, think there's a couple of girls on here that their hospitals won't tll them - probably just to cover them incase they make a mistake or something, who knows!
Vicki83 said:
Aaww that's crap Sara, think there's a couple of girls on here that their hospitals won't tll them - probably just to cover them incase they make a mistake or something, who knows!

Yeah, they wouldn't tell me :( Which was a bit disappointing cos I didn't know in advance and thought I was gonna find out. I've been offered a private gender scan paid for as an early Christmas pressie but I think I'll just wait and have a surprise.

Best of luck ladies with all your scans this week.
Oh no, that must have been so disappointing for you :hug:

A surprise makes it that bit more exciting though I think, well it was for me last time!
Hey ladies :wave: Wow there is certainly a few of us who are having scans next week. Il be thinking of you all ad canot wait to hear how we all get on!!!! :cheer: Il update the first post i made so we know who's having there scans on what ever day's :D
oooh add me please flossy...

tuesday 11:10am (i can not wait!!!) :D

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