Just need to chat to someone :(


Jul 9, 2014
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I have now lost 5 babies at the age of 19. I feel like no one takes me seriously because of my age and it's never discussed, like I'm a disgrace. I just need to be able to talk about my babies because I can't at home or with my partner. Would just like to chat with someone and share memories
I'm so sorry for your losses :( I had a loss at 18 and that was hard enough so can't imagine how hard 5 losses has been for you. This forums full of friendly people always willing to talk and help :) so chat as much as you need! :) xxx
I'm so sorry for your losses. Your age definately shouldn't be a factor, losing a baby is heartbreaking no matter who you are. I'm sorry you don't feel supported at home. There are some very friendly people in this section who helped through my miscarriage so please go ahead and let out your feelings.xx
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm 22 and lost my baby two months ago and that was heartbreaking enough for me. It's disgraceful that they think it's okay to discriminate you because of your age, have you tried being stern with them instead of a nice soft approach? x I thought it was 3 miscarriages a lady had to have before it was looked into?

When I lost my baby, our family kept saying 'your only young', I know they're right but it doesn't take that heartbreak away. Xxxx
I'm sorry but I really don't see what your age has got to do with it? I lost a baby lady year and it was devastating so I feel for those who have had multiple losses.

If you ever want to chat Hun feel free to message me. I'm sure there are many other people on here too you can chat to.

You should talk about your babies if that's what you want to do they were a part of you and you are bound to feel their loss.

Take care xxx
Your age absolutely shouldn't matter, a loss is a loss no matter what age you are and 5 would be heart-breaking. I have lost 3 and a little part of me is broken because of it, I just don't feel the same as I did before.
We are all here for you to come and have a chat and share your feelings, its good to get it out. I don't think men know how to communicate their feelings v well and almost feel its better not to talk about it to save our upset. This is how my OH was anyway.
Have you been offered any recurrent miscarriage testing? You are eligible for this after 3 miscarriages, I had them done and although they didn't find anything, I feel better for knowing there is no issue causing the miscarriages xx
age is a horrible thing, we do get judged for it. I'm 23 and have lost 3 babies this year. but go ahead and share your stories, we shouldn't not talk about them just because they are gone. its comforting to talk about them. we lost our baby today at 15 weeks, we took lots of photos and are going to name it when we find out the sex. for some reason i like talking about it even though it is still so raw, i guess it hasn't fully sunk in yet. hope you're ok x
Talking is a wonderful thing as is acknowledging the babies in heaven. They were ours after all however brief they were with us. I certainly will never forget our little soul and I tell her every day whether she can hear me or not xx
I think people naturally don't talk about our angels. I'm 33 and lost my wee girl last year. It's usually me that mentions her rather than someone else, most people are too scared to upset me. My oh said her name out loud the other day and it took me by surprise as I don't often hear her name spoken by someone else. You're still a mummy remember and your angels are too precious not to be remembered! xx
Hey erin, im 19 and have lost 7 now, you can message me if you like, i like you keep it all in as no one else to really speak to i cant tell my family of course oh knows i have spoke to him but i dont really like to much, sorry for your losses xx

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