just heard a cow moo!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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but i dont live in the country i am miles away from the nearest cow! but i definately heard it- i was picking up towels in the bathroom and a cow mooed! how spooky! :shock:
maybe someone's herding them down the road? or transporting them in a truck? I'm surrounded by the wee buggers
lol i doubt herding cows down any roads around here is a sight to ever be seen! there is a main road at the FRONT of the house but not the back where the bathroom is so doubt i wouldve heard them in a truck, and it sounded nearby and outside not confined in a truck too. 'tis a mystery!
Maybe a neighbour is sick of queuing for milk at the shops and has purchased a cow :lol: Or maybe its one of Waa-waa's toys and you havent noticed that it moos? :think:
lol i guess so! it sounded so close like it was right outside the (upstairs!) window! how bizarre hehe
zebrastripes said:
LOL it's possessed flying demonic cow

omg what a disturbing image! hope i dont get bad dreams i shall hold u responsible! :lol:
If i was to hear that id be like. "Dave your mums outside" :rotfl:

That pic is disturbing in a cant stop looking at it way :lol: Im holding you responsible fran fro any talking cow dreams tonight!! :D
maria1976 said:
If i was to hear that id be like. "Dave your mums outside" :rotfl:

That pic is disturbing in a cant stop looking at it way :lol: Im holding you responsible fran fro any talking cow dreams tonight!! :D

:rotfl: :rotfl: it is a bit disturbing..dont eat any cheese before you go to bed!!
Ewww freaky! last night I had a dream that I was a cow! :shock: Seriously! I moo moo'd to my sister and she had to translate to everyone what I was saying?! I thought it was the damn freakiest dream ever and now your hearing cows?!
Its Manchester!? There must be something weird goin on!!?!?! :think: hahahaha
lea m said:
Ewww freaky! last night I had a dream that I was a cow! :shock: Seriously! I moo moo'd to my sister and she had to translate to everyone what I was saying?! I thought it was the damn freakiest dream ever and now your hearing cows?!
Its Manchester!? There must be something weird goin on!!?!?! :think: hahahaha

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: moo mood to my sister, im seriously laughing out loud hahahaha
aw no i cannot see fran's pic! damn work computers :evil:

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