Just come back from A+E


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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Just had our first trip to A+E with Ewan, We had unpacked from being away at the steam fair and i'd just made a cup of tea, passed one to Tom and put mine down out of reach, i just go in to the kitchen to check dinner and i hear a crash and a scream, Ewan had fallen over knocked where my tea was and it had fallen all over his chest, we stripped him off and put him under the shower. poor mite was shivering and screaming and put Aloe vera gel on the red bits.
So i phoned NHS direct, they told me off for using aloe vera gel and told me to go to A+E, we phoned my mil and she said go to A+E too, ewan had calmed down and had a bottle of milk.

So we went to A+E and they checdked him over, had put some dressings on the red bits, we have to go back tomorrow to get him checked again.
I hope he is ok,

Am feeling very guilty, i should have put my tea elsewhere, ewan is now in bed, dosed up with calpol.

Am so worried.
IM glad he is okay. Are there many red bits? Dont be too hard on yourself, we are always wiser after the event.
he is red over his chest, right shoulder and under his chin. :cry:
my poor baby :cry:
He's had such a lovely holiday feels spoilt now
Sorry to hear your news. why did they tell you off about the gel?
Aw no!

Don't beat yourself up about it, these things happen. Make sure he stays hydrated and he'll be fine.

Aww sweetie how horrible for you
Don't beat yourself up about though these things do happen as careful as we try to be.

ahhhhh not your fault babe, these things happen my lil brother jumped in a boiling hot bath filled half way only with hot, he went hospital he was only 3yrs old, and they sent socila services round one day after to check us out.... so dont be upset if they do, i was so insulted at first but they are just being careful i suppose

Hugs to the poorly lil man :hug:
Hi Selena, have been chatting to you on MSN :hug:

Give my love to Ewan, remember these things happen and its not your fault hunny. I know your bound to feel guilty but Ewan is a hardy little man and im sure he will recover fine!

Your such a good mummy and you know it :D Hope he gets better very soon :hug:

Poor Ewan, hope he's better soon. Reece pulled a cup of tea on himself last week, luckily it had been standing for a while so it wasn't boiling but I know how scary it is. :hug:
awww i hope hes feeling better today, as others have said dont beat yourself up, our children are sure to have accidents in life
We took him back for a check yesterday at 4pm, and they are happy with him, they removed the bandage from his shoulder as it has just about fallen off, they have left the chest one on, and i have to just let it fall off but all the redness has gone.
He hated the nurse having a look, screamed and cried :(

Can't bath him till it falls off which is a pain. having been camping for a week he is a bit grimey!!

Probably get a call from the HV or social now for a check up :(
we had a 1000 and 1 questions asked when liam fell and hit his head, but we heard nothing more.

i hope ewan feels better soon.

and jadie you mustnt put anything on a burn except cold water as it can sometimes keep the heat on the body. also if you are burned badly you can swell. if a burn is really bad, we are told at first aid that the only thing that you can put on it is cling film as it is important to keep the area sterile.
Accidents happen honey.

Don't blame yourself.

I'm glad Ewan is ok. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Missed this post :?
Thats ok, he is fine now just waiting for the plastic covering to come off his chest.
He now has a cold :roll: and is snotting everywhere :puke:
Dosed up with medised tonight coz he didn't sleep well last night, so hope he will tonight.

Hubby has buggered off down the pup and left me with snotty kid!

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