just a moan really!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2006
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hey, am just needing a bit of a bitch i think!! my b/f works nite shift and has made it clear that hes not gunna change that wen the baby is born, now dont get me wrong the money is good, but does he really expect me 2 b able 2 look afyer 2 children 15 month apart..... we argue between his tiredness and mine!! i just feel hes being so selfish!! does anyone elses b/f hubby partner work niteshift with a young baby?? HELP!!!
Why does he want to do night shift so badly?
Is he scared of the night feeds?

Maybe he will change his mind when the babies born, when he sees how streesed you are. Or when its his night off you could go out with your friends, leaving him to look after the kids. So he sees what its actualy like when hes not there.

I dont know what to suggest hun, he seems very stuborn.
I work night shifts and there are two reasons why i like them money is good and after 3 nights my shifts are done and the rest of the week is mine to spend with my 8 year old boy and my o/h and my o/h works days so part iof the week were like ships passing in the night. But it works for us. If its not working for you speak to you o/h and see if you can understand why he wants to do nights so badly and explain to him why you dont want him to do nights mabe you can both come to a compremise once you know each others reasons.
hope you sort it out soon
Pam x
yeah, he only has to work 4 nites and that is a full week so i guess that is handy, and wen chloe does spend time with him hes brilliant with her and he does give me a break, i just dunno how ill cope having to get up in the night on my own!!! guess ill just need 2 w8 n c n rant at him l8r lol
My oh said that because am use to nights am gonna be doing the night time feed when am at home cheeky bugger lol. I have agreed as long as he lets me sleep in. So you could say that to him, while hes working night you will do the feeding and when hes home he does the night time feed lol. You never know you might have a baby that sleeps most of the night.
Good luck in what ever you get sorted out
pam x
och im sure ill survuve, after all he does give me his bank card each month :dance: mibbe its just my hormones over reacting!!!
My DH is a fireman and so works 2 days, 2 nights and then has 4 days off. I have just coped with my second night shift last night with Jacob on my own - I think I managed really well too, pat on the back for me!! I was really worried about being on my own, but Jacob was really good - just hoping he will be as good next time!

well done you!! and u lucky sod a hunky fireman eh :dance:
Money is essential, without it you will really suffer...

But i also know actually being their for the baby is important aswell

If he can swop shifts i think he should, or if he can find a new job that pays the same...

But its just one of them things that you have to put up with even if you dont like it :(

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