Jordan and peters video...


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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...omg has anyone seen it?!

the whole new world video...

i hate that video... its just tacky and annoying...
i always hated jordan, but now i kinda like theboth of them, havent seen the video yet but i like the song and dont think shes that bad a singer
ive heard alot worse (me being one :oops: :lol: )
i think its brill!

love jordan cant stand peter andre.. he and beckham look like lil bitches

i love the song...

ppl just dislike jordan and will dislike everything she touches
I like Jordan shes a clever one she is, she knows whats shes doing and makes the most out of what shes got.

I like women like that, she doesnt need a man in her life, peter is just a parrot on her shoulder :lol:
is it Jordons humongous breasts that block the light out the video or is it meant to be dark ? :think:
hi tasha! how you doing chicken?
OMG tasha ! why?

go to third tri and tell me. we are in danger of hyjacking the peter and jordon video thread! :shhh:
budge said:
is it Jordons humongous breasts that block the light out the video or is it meant to be dark ? :think:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

The video is pure tack but seen as its for charity im going to let them off.

I saw them singin git on this morning - clearly not live :roll:
Did anyone see them interviewed on the Russell Brand show last night? They were talking about how anything goes in their sex lives and how they love to fantasise about the people that they've seen during the day joining them.

Waaay too much information.

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