*Jay Dack 27/09/07*


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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so i went in on Wednesday to be induced to have Jay, i arrived at 9:30 and the midwife said she wanted to do trace on me before giving me the stuff to induce me, first time round on the trace his heartbeat was all over the place so she came back half an hour later to do it again, this time it was fine, and she said that she was able to induce me, she came back to me and said that i was actually not surpose to be there untill the next day because i was only term+9 not term+10, and told me that i should go home and go back in the morning, i was not having any of it, and i argued with her for a good while before her telling me it was my choice but it would be more affective at term+10, but i couldnt see the difference and there was no way i was going home. so she then agreed to do it.
she did a internal and to my shock i was 2- 3 cm dialated, and i really didnt expect it, because of this she said she didnt have to induce me with the drug but she could break my waters for me. she gave me another sweep and told me to go for a walk as i would have to go to the delivery suite to have my waters broken and there was no space, i was put on a list and had to wait, so i went walking around the hospital all day hoping for something to happen naturally before getting my waters broken, but nothing happened all day,
its got to 1oclock in the morning and the midwife finally came through and told me that the delivery ward could take me. i went over, and they got prepared, and another midwife examined me and i was so annoyed when she said that i was still only at 3 cm, she broke my waters for me, and i sat around for a little while untill i started feeling my contractions and then i had a bath, at around 4 oclock they were getting stronger and stonger, so i got out of the bath and in my comfy nightie and sat on the birthing ball, about an hour later i was in really bad pain so she gave me gas and air which was really fun for ages, :D i loved it.. things got complicated after this, and i cant remember it all only the painful bits,
i had to have a drug to make me dialate becasue i wasnt getting hardly anywhere the doctor had to do the canular(sp) cos first time she made my vein collapse.(im scared of needles) so i hated it and said that she better not come near me again, lol.. the contractions were getting harder, and jays heatbeat was going up and down and they didnt know if he was sleeping so they wanted to take a blood sample from his head, it was so painful and they couldnt do it, and i was getting worked up and was in ALOT of pain, they kept offering me a epidural but i kept refusing, but after hours of refusing and sticking the pain i gave in.
things didnt really do much after the edpidural,jay was still sleepy and didnt seem to want to move. but when the midwife examined me she finally told me i should start pushing,
i tried and tired but i was so tired and couldnt do it anymore,
when things started happening she called in the doctor and said that i needed help.
i was so tired and ill that i couldnt hardly push anymore,(i had been up since 6 wednesday morning and hadnt slept) so the doctor said he would help with the venthose(sp) and forceps
i really wouldnt have been able to do it if not.
Jay Finally made an appearance 19:02 that night, 8lb 4oz :shock: which neither me my mum or friend could beleive.
i had to have stiches but only where the doctor cut me.
and everything else was fine, Jay was healthy and everything
i had to stay in over night because they didnt want me to get infection and i was on a drip of antibiotics.
They finally let me come home last night, i have been really weak and tired and i have to rest alot, But everything other than that is fine :)

I WILL update this with pictures soon when i put them on :D

sorry its long, ive probably misseed stuff out bu il update if i have :)

im so happy to have my little pudding :D :D :D finally.
10 days late,
he was worth every bit of pain though :D
yay robyn congratulatons :cheer:
and a huge welcome to baby Jay

Sounds like you had a rough time hun,but you got there in the end, well done, im hoping you have a speedy recovery.
cant wait to see pictures of your little man i bet he's a little cutie :hug:
well done robyn an congrats you and baby jay. Cant wait to see the pictures hunnix x

cant believe hes here, i remeber being in third tri with you :hug:

congrats robyn.. cant wait to see pics! :cheer:
:hug: :hug:
Congratulations and welcome to the world baby Jay :hug:
aww congratulations and welcome baby jay
get some well-earned rest hun!

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