IVF Update - WK 3, Day 22


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Hi girlies

A little update as promised for those who are/will be going through the same thing and as a general update for those interested.

For the past 3 weeks/21 days, I have been on the contraceptive pill, Femodene. I had forgotten what it was like to be on the Pill, sore bb's, few cramps, weight gain (although I could do with putting on a few extra pounds)! I came off the pill on my honeymoon in 2006 and haven't used any form of contraception since. We decided if it happens, it happens!! It wasn't until a year went by with nothing we decided to start timing intercourse properly.

5 year's later I have been back on the Pill again as requested by my Dr. Last night was my last pill and today was my first day on Buserelin. Had to inject this morning and I hated it. It didn't hurt, i'm just a wimp when it comes to needles, let alone injecting myself!!

I have to inject Buserelin every morning and it should produce a bleed by Sunday 1st May. I will need to call my Dr on Wednesday 4th May to book a scan where I will update again with the next instalment.

As I looked in my fridge this morning hyping myself to take the first injection I looked upon all the meds and thought, why? I shouldn't have to go through all this just to conceive, it's just not fair. My friend tried once and it happened first time. For me I have to result to this!!

Still, I have to be strong and do what is required because what else is there to do? I have mixed emotions, mostly I am feeling sorry for myself but I am excited at the thought that by next month I may just get my BFP and you know what...I can't wait to be a mummy xx
Its so unfair how some people have to go through all this to get a baby, good luck Hun xxx
You are going to have a bleed on the Buserelin?

I only have a paper chart the consultant gave me and he circled Buserelin to start on cd21 and then he crossed out a period on cd 28 which i took to mean that it wouldn't happen :eh:

Is it sad that i was looking forward to missing a period? lol

No point in getting hung up on other peoples lives :hug:

There is a lady on YouTube that just had her egg retrieval so recently went through DR called Babybound if you are interested :)
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Hi Kerrieanne,

Yeah you should have AF at your normal time (about a week after starting Buserelin), then hopefully that will be the last one for 9 months!

I'll be starting the Buserelin injections next week (was on the Buserelin nasal spray last time, but the spray is loads more expensive... shame, it's a lot less scary than injections!!)

Have you thought about your other half giving you the injections? That's what we did last time with the GonalF med, and we'll do the same this time. No way could I do it to myself... funny how DH has no problem sticking me though lol!! :)

Best of luck with everything... it's a mega stressful time, but will be worth it in the end :)
OMG Bead i can't believe it's come around so quickly! :D
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Thanks for sharing with us Kerrianne! I'm awaiting results but I'm getting used to the thought that we may have to conceive with help from others. It's nice to hear how it's going on, so I know a bit about what to expect!

Hope you get your bfp and keep us posted hun! Got my fingers crossed for you!
Thank you for your comments girlies :)

LouiseB – the Dr was right, she said I would start a bleed/AF on Sunday 1st May and I did!! I normally have a 28 day cycle and never come on before that time. Sunday was day 25 so it looks like the Buserelin is working! Thanks for the tip on the YouTube link x

Bead – I so hope this is the last period I get for 9mths, wouldn’t that be just fantastic :lol: Excited at the thought of it! Been injecting myself for a few days now and I think I have gotten used to it but it does pinch a little (god I’m such a wimp) Hubby is out early in the mornings so I have to do it myself really but its all good!

You are only a week behind me, that’s fantastic news, we can keep in touch, let me know how it all goes x

I have my scan on Monday 9th May, first of many that I can see from my little chart.

Will update again in a week or so…

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