Ive still not heard from my MW


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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Give you a bit of history - the named MW i have this time around is the same one i had with alice (who i meet a handful of times :roll: ). Anyway, she was meant to come and see me a few days after alice was born and never turned up. So i called and asked if she was coming, was told she wouldn't make it that day but would the day after. she never turned up the following day. I ended up being seen at day 1&2 and then not again till day 6 (i was told i needed to have been seen at day 3, and and extra day - day 4 due to the problems i had when pg). Anyway, turns out she was on holiday, but forgot to get someone to cover her meets with me (but had covered everyone else from what the MW who ended up seeing me said) :wall:

sooooo... this time around, ive still not heard from her. But they have put me under a consultant under the hospital already, where as i wasn't under their care until closer to 30 weeks last time). do you think that would make a difference? Should i have at least heard from her by now? Is it different for 2nd timers? I don't mean to be funny, but it would have been nice to hear from her sooner after the time i had with it last time.

Do you think im being impatient if i call and check they haven't forgotten me? its not like it would be the first time. Ive had all my other appointments through (scan, consultant appointment, GTT) :think:
Ive had:
10 weeks booking in and bloods
12 weeks scan
14 weeks consulatant
16 weeks first midwife(I had to phone up and book the appointment myself, as thats the policy here)
19 weeks first gtt
20 week scan

I have to make an appointment to see doctor at 28 weeks myself and then I have my next bloods, gtt, and then the midwife again in december which is already booked with her.

I know here we had to ring the birthing unit and make our 16 weeks midwife appointment ourselfs, Im not sure if its different depending on where you live. But id ring to see whats going on if I was you. Where in essex are you? Im in Harlow.
Im in Southend. My gp is only small, i see a MW at southend hospital.

With alice i first meet her a 12 weeks after my scan. my GP sorted out all my bloods and stuff. again my GP sorted my bloods out this time, and i meet a mw who booked me in at the hospital, but she wasn't my named one.

i really don't know if im over reacting because of what has happened (or didn't!!!) in the past. :think:
I feel for you hun I had the same with my first baby too my MW let me down time and time again. She promised she would be there for the birth and I was the only one in our group she didn't show up to. She got a series of 3 different midwives to check me after the birth (I had problems during the birth so had to be seen alot afterwards) and the only time I saw her after 36 weeks was when we had our group reunion after we all had our babies. To be honest I was relieved to have moved and have a different midwife for baby#2.
You should have a 16 week appt with the midwife then see her every 4 weeks until you are 32 weeks then every 2 weeks to 38 and then every week until birth (sometimes they don't see you if you have a hospital or doctor appt in the same week though). If you are not happy or uncomfortable with seeing her ask to see a different midwife :hug:
I think its absolutely disgraceful the way you are being treated, and you should definitely inform someone of the situation.

I didnt see a MW until I was 15 weeks (because I was living in France previously), then had all my bloods taken by MW at 16 weeks, my next appointment is at 25 weeks, but I do have to call and book the appointment myself.

I see my midwives (they do a job share), at my local GP Surgery which suits me as can book and appointment with the surgerys reception and dont have to rely on them having to remember to call me.

There must be another midwife that you can see instead??

Good luck with sorting it all out :hug:
im going to give them a ring on monday. Its been bugging me.

The 'service' i got from the hospital last time after i was diagnosed with OC was fantastic! i can't fault it. Im difficult to draw bloods from, but the main MW on the ward i went to daily could get me every time - she even offered for me to go up their 2 weeks after having alice to have another set of bloods done to check my levels, i should have gone to the normal blood place. They really went that extra bit for me!!! But as soon as i was released from their care and back into the community MW care all contact seemed to stop! i wonder if i had never called before if we would have just been forgotten.

And now ive even been forgotten by the HV's. Mine left (can't be helped, i understand), but ive never been given a new named HV which ive been told i need due to being diagnosed with PND (which i would say im over now, but wasn't when she left).

I don't know if its just me being stupid, or if it is really history repeating itself.

(Oh, i would like to add, my mate had the same MW and had no problems :think: )
There are bound to be the odd personality clash's when two people are forced together but when it is her job this should not come into it and IMO she is not behaving professionally hun stick to your guns and get yourself seen. Also if you want to change midwives :hug: :hug: :hug:

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