I've made it to 5 weeks


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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I know this isn't a big deal to most of you but I lost both my last pregnancies before this point and am chuffed to say "I've known about this pregnancy (officially) for a WHOLE WEEK now!"

My fingers are firmly crossed for the next 35 and I'm still paranoid everytime I go for a pee but things are looking brighter
:D Congratulations hun, i know its a big deal for you so hopefully now you can ejoy it without worrying so much now :hug:
:) Thanks.

I am quite excited to get to my 7wk scan now!
That's fantastic news sweetie, i'm so pleased for you :hug:
Great news Buddabun. :cheer: :cheer: It's a massive deal. I know exactly how you feel the day after my m/c date passed I was so happy, felt I could relax a bit.

Hope the rest of the pg goes as smoothly for you and that you can relax a bit now. :hug:
Congrats to you, hope the time goes fast for you so you can have a scan quickly! :D :hug:
Hi Trixi :wave: :wave:

I should be feeling more relaxed and am to some extent but there is still that worry. I think I need to just do things that aren't related to pregnancy. I am going to start going back to the gym when I get some more energy, maybe doing some of the coursework that has been piling up (no time limit = no inclination :lol:)... It's just sitting at home on this forum all day, napping and watching films can't be good for a person!

Thanks so much you guys for your positive words. It made me smile and I feel like it's a big deal even though it's so so early still. Next hurdle is the scan at 7w1d :pray:
Congrats to you hun!!!! :dance:
I'm the same I'm terrified everytime I go to the toilet even though I've had no pains or no signs! Doesn't matter what time of the night it is I always seem to be holding my breath! Be glad when it's 2 weeks from now and scan date is here!! :cheer:
Its definatly a big deal, its a major mile stone for you :D well done hun
:oops: you guys rock!

Is anyone else like this - taking it one day at a time and just praying to get to the next milestone? I'm sure once I hit 12+ weeks it will ease off a bit but christ that seems a long way away!
Is anyone else like this - taking it one day at a time and just praying to get to the next milestone? I'm sure once I hit 12+ weeks it will ease off a bit but christ that seems a long way away!

Yes...now I am 12 days + I am feeling happier, no pain, no blood loss. I think you panic more when you have had previous miscarriages, well maybe you don't maybe the natural state of a pregnant woman is to be in panic :D
maybe but the fact that "yes it can happen to you" doesn't help...

I keep telling myself how differently I feel about this one, how I have a "good feeling" (whatever that is) and keep seeing myself with a huge belly and then an actual baby (shock horror) so I'm hoping that's a good sign although we all know that if i'm going to lose it, no amount of positive visualisation and 'good feelings' will help :lol:
buddabun said:
Is anyone else like this - taking it one day at a time and just praying to get to the next milestone? I'm sure once I hit 12+ weeks it will ease off a bit but christ that seems a long way away!

I'm so like that hun.
When i finally made it past 6 weeks, and then had to wait for my scan (at 6w6d) and then had to wait another 2 weeks for the next scan, and now i've got to wait till 12 weeks. Every day is a milestone in my uncharted pregnancy territory lol.
You know I'm going to be stalking your pregnancy until I see the birth announcement! Fingers crossed and sticky dust your way mrs! :hug:
buddabun said:
:oops: you guys rock!

Is anyone else like this - taking it one day at a time and just praying to get to the next milestone? I'm sure once I hit 12+ weeks it will ease off a bit but christ that seems a long way away!

I definitely was, it's only the last week or so i've relaxed a bit....a bit..... :lol:

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