I've lost my mojo


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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Since finishing work 3 weeks ago i have become so lazy! At first i was well stuck into the house work etc but i think the less you do the you can be arsed to do iykwim?

I'm sat here thinking about the stuff i really should do today, shower, shopping, tidy up etc and i just so can't be arsed!! I actually feel a little bit deppressed :(

I admit it, i miss work :blush: i don't miss the tirednes and backache but i miss feeling like i have a purpose to the day, some structure i suppose.

What can i do to stop myself getting really depressed and in a rutt? xx
Aww matey :hug:

I get up at normal time and get cracking. I find things to do even if I dont need to and when I've had enough I sit and veg out for a while.

The only person who can stop you going down is you hun :)

i know, i really must get my arse into gear! I just rang one of my mates at work for a natter and she cheered me up a bit. I'm one of these people that needs to be busy all the time to stop me thinking to deeply, otherwise i drive myself nuts!!

Right, i'm going in the shower then i'm going to the shops, then i will do me house work. Starting.............NOW!! xx
Im just the same chick.....not to be left alone with my thoughts for too long.

At least you recognise it - that's half the battle I think :)

I always make a little list to do :) I can also get bogged down in it all but once I get going then Im ok. Have a huge pile of ironing that I keep looking sideways at..
i make myself get up and dressed and full make up on every morning as if i'm going out, and then i normally make sure i do get out, even if its just a trip to tescos or a drive or somethin! the last few weeks of pregnancy are really hard tho! once he arrives you'll be back to your old self quicker than you cn say "my hair's got its mojo back" :lol:
Thanks lasses :hug:

I'm all showered and dressed and i even did my hair nice and put me slap on :) I need far too much heavy stuff from asda so i am dreading it (washing powder etc) I live in an upstairs flat so i will leave the heavy stuff in the car for OH to bring in when he finishes work.

I also have a huge pile or ironing RM and i must do it today as were all running out of clothes lol

I'm gonna pop into a few nurseries this morning i think, A) its a look out and B) i need to find somewhere decent for the kids for when i go back to work.

Thanks for giving me a lift girls xx
My ironing still hasnt got done however, I have done a risk assessment for one of our girls who is pregnant, done the wages, hoovered and washed the floors and tidied up so all in all fairly productive morning! Now Rosie has gone for her nap Im gonna have a cuppa! xx
I could come and slap you around abit? :slap: :lol:

I have been ever so good today. I did my Ironing RM, took me an hour and a half but its done.........for now, the next load is drying :(

I did my shopping, cleaned out my cleaning cupboard under the sink, on my second load of washing, have veiwings for 2 nurseries next week, prepared the veg for tea tonight (i'm making mince and dumplings). The only thing i haven't done which i swore to myself i would do today is pack my hospital bag but now i can't be arsed xx
Lol, i can't believe you've still not done your hospital bag, i thought you were doing that days ago, ha ha. Well done on all your other jobs though sounds like a very productive day. I also have a huge pile of ironing to do, i will make myself do it before bedtime......... i think..............unless i can think of an excuse not to x
I feel the same some days, but now the kids are off school i haven't stopped all day - always feel so much more motivated when they are about. Think the thing is to get going in the mornig - if i have a lazy one nothing is going to be done all day! Glad your feeling better but please to put our minds at rest - GET YOUR HOSPITAL BAG PACKED tomorrow!!!!

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