Ive lost a treasured rabbit


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Jess has these two cuddly kaloo rabbit, Sandy and Polly. Sandy was in the wash today, he is the fav and gets dirty quicker than polly who doesnt come out much butis still a bed time friend. So Polly came to the shops but never made it back.

The thing is, between me last seeing her and realising she was missing was all of 5 mins and there wasnt a lot of ground to cover to go back and look. Someone must have lifted her and taken her.

Jess is a bit upset and I was in tears in town. Total mental case. I even went to the police station to see if someone handed her in.

Im so sorry ive let my wee jess down. :cry:
oh no poor jess .... its not your fault hun, kids lose stuff its a fact.

Can you not buy them anywhere??

Sounds really silly but my mums friend called the local papers when her kid lost his fave toy and they posted pics etc!! might be worth a go xxxx
Hey giys, I meant to post the next day. I got polly back.. She was over the moon. It was in the bakery we had been in but i forgot we were in there.

I couldnt have got an identical one as this one was well worn in and Jessica would have known straight away.

Phew, Im never letting those rabbits out again.


Glad the rabbit was found......thats a stroke of good luck :cheer:
Oh it was, I was seriously upset. She really loves them.

We took the school bear (!) to to a theme park and he got dropped I was sooo worried but we found him again in a cafe. :oops:
Yeah, Jonah's got a monkey and it got dropped from the buggy on a walk.

I think I was more upset than him, I felt like such a bad mum. We jumped in the car, and drove back our route, and someone had sat him on a fence. The relief!!

From then on it was tied on the buggy with a dummy clip!
Oh I'm so glad you got it back! :cheer:

I heard of a website for lost toys but I can't remember what it is! :think:
Where if you find a toy in the street you can put it on the website so anyone who has lost a toy can check! Does that make sense? Has anyone else heard of this or am I going mad?! :oops:
Phew! OMG if Mel lost his caterpillar toy I don't think he would ever sleep! I dread to think what would happen- honestly! My little brother (who is now 29 so not that little!) had one of those flat pram type pillows as his special thing, I think he got through two eventually and then it fell apart so badly that my mum had to sew it onto another pillow and sew a cover over it else it would have disappeared completely!

Have you read that book bu Shirley Hughes called Dogger? That's about a little boy who loses (but then finds) his special friend. So cute!

Awww, I will look out for that book. Shirley Hughes books are great.

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