Ive Had enough!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2007
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Im so angry the way everything has panned out of me in this pregnancy! I lost my job a month back as they said there wasn't enough work to keep my position. The the MD of the sister Company offered me a position in admin for less salery and as i and my partner need to find somewhere to live i took it on thinking it will help me for the next few months!

Told the boss's i was PG last week and guess what????? The MD now says that my monthly contract will not be renewed at the end of this month...So now i dont have a job! And i have noooo money! GREAT!

Ive been looking on the internet for Temp jobs in my area but nothing i can see seems to be A. Suitable or B. Something that i have no experience in....Hence i am starting to show so thats not helping either.......

I wish i could just do a simple job like cleaning or something but im sure the products wouldn't be good to work with allday! Do any of you ladies know any good job websites??????

Sorry to go on, but i feel that i just cant take all this anymore!

:cry: :cry: :cry:
try monster.co.uk there prety good put you cv on there and its quite easy they will e mail you sutible jobs in your area chin up and try not to get stressed
EmmaLR said:
Told the boss's i was PG last week and guess what????? The MD now says that my monthly contract will not be renewed at the end of this month...So now i dont have a job! And i have noooo money! GREAT!

hun, im sure thats illegal. its discrimination because you are pregnant and you may be able to get either compensation or your job back,
you should get some advice from a solisitar or something
Hey Hun

You should definitely speak to someone about this, it sounds completely illegal... In the meantime, I've worked with some great temp agencies in the past. Hays is good, as are Kellys and Manpower. You didn't say what you do - if it's specific there are agencies out there that deal with different types of industry.

Chin up... Illegitimi non carborundum (don't let the *******s grind you down!)

OMG - that is definitly dodgy! On what grounds was your contract not renewed? I would go to the citizens advice bureau and get some advice if I was you :hug:

In the mean time - I would brush up your CV and take to the streets. Have you got agencies in your town? Go in there and register with them in person, they are more likely to remember you when a job comes in especially if you are prepared to do anything and have good skills. I used to do recruitment and had quite a few pregnant woman on our books, you will not be the first. Just chin up and go in there with a "can do" attitude not a "you probably don't want to give me a job coz I'm pregnant" attitude and you will be fine.

I would not do cleaning etc.. though - too physical and the cleaning products are not a good idea.

So sorry hun :hug: hwo unfair is that, they cant even say its a coincidence . I think you should look into it , you dererve a fair fight.
Hope you figure somthing out soon.

I think not renewing your contract because you announced a pregnancy is bang out of order to be honest. Look into that, you have rights.

As for job websites it depends what your after, a lot of admin/office/accountancy type work can be found on:


Try the job sections in your local paper (assortment of jobs) you can just do an online search for your local papers website. Also try the Friday Ad (www.friday-ad.co.uk) and search their job sections.

You could also try other sites for more specific jobs,

www.baa.com - Airport jobs
www.jobs.nhs.co.uk - hospital/clinic based jobs.
www.royalmail.co.uk - always looking for postpeople/drivers/delivery etc

I know heaps of them, let me know what 'sector' you work in and I'll post some more sites for you.

Do look into your dismissal though, I'm sure they can't do that although if they put the case forward that it's nothing to do with the pregnancy and they simply dont need the manpower just now you might find it harder to proove it was unfair. Companies are sooooooooooo so sneeky!!

Nicola xx
I have the number of a good employment law solicitor if you want one, they are dealing with my case when I was sacked for taking too much time off with morning sickness :shock:

PM me and I will give you the number :wink:
yes that is completely illegal.

dont stand for that hun.

i sympothise with the job hunting thing. its so difficult. im on job seekers atm, as i fear no one will employ me being pregnant.

good luck hun
thats really bad they cant sack u for being pg can they?
hav u been to citizens advice about it?
good luck with it all!

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