Ive had a horrible weekend!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I dont know why but all weekend all i have done is worry, worry, worry. Hearing Baby Lynch's hb 2 weeks ago kept my mind at rest for a while but not as long as i was hoping. Im worrying that theres something wrong with baby, i dont really have anything to really make me worry, no bleeding or anything. The only thing thats playing on my mind is my uterus is still lying quite low and it doesnt seem like it has grown since the mw last checked. My OH is getting really annoyed with me now but im finding this pregnancy so hard, i didnt think id feel like this when we were ttc after my mmc but im not enjoying this pregnancy at all. I feel really bad for saying that as I feel so blessed to have feel pregnant so quickly after it all happened but i just cant seem to relax :( x x

Aww Hun I'm so sorry you are finding it so tough! I wish there was something I could say to make it all better and help you enjoy the pregnancy. I'm sure baby lynch is just fine! Before you seemed to be coping really well by aiming for small milestones - whats the next one? Have you got a scan booked? xxx
Like jodie I also wish there was something I could say to make you feel better hun. Focusing on small milestones is a good idea. Theres no point in me saying don't worry because its easy for me to say. But there's no evidence that anything is wrong hun
Thinking of you

Thanks Jodie, i was coping well before, im thinking maybe its because my due date would of been Wednesday, thinking about it is bringing everything back :( I hope thats what it is as I think im going to drive myself crazy, not to mention my OH if I carry on like this.
Yeah ive got a 4d early sexing scan booked for a week on Wednesday, but the way I feel at the moment that seems so far away!
Hope you and your gorgeous little girl are well x x

Thanks Pinkymum, i wish i felt the way I did when i was pregnant with Adam, i was so nieve to the fact anything could go wrong, i didnt worry about anything, oohh what I would do to feel like that this time around.
Hope you are well hunny and your little girl is going to be good and come on her due date or maybe before :) x x

It's understandable that you will feel shaky around your due date Hun! Naturally it's going to make you think aboutvthings going wrong and feeling sad about your angel baby. Don't be too hard on yourself - have a good cry if you need one. Then try and focus on the positives - you have another little bean growing and an exciting sexing scan in just over a weeks time xx
Thanks hun,

Have you got anything planned for this Wednesday, anything that could help you take your mind off it for a bit? I'm guessing you'll be working?


Ps Ella is doing v well thank you - I just wish she would spend more of the night in her Moses basket rather than sleeping on mine or hubby's chest!
Awwwh hunny, big hugs!!:hugs:
I know exactly how you feel. I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy as much as I can after mc at the end of october but every little twinge or feeling I wanna run and get checked out to make sure everything's ok.
Try and keep yourself busy to take your mind off things. Even if it's just reading a book or something.
Why don't you speak to your MW, she if she has any suggestions. I'm sure you're not the only person she's dealt with that feels this way too and might have ways to help reassure you xxxx
It's understandable that you will feel shaky around your due date Hun! Naturally it's going to make you think aboutvthings going wrong and feeling sad about your angel baby. Don't be too hard on yourself - have a good cry if you need one. Then try and focus on the positives - you have another little bean growing and an exciting sexing scan in just over a weeks time xx

She said it better than I did.


oh bless you, Im not surprised you feel shaky after what youve been through. Didnt want to read and run just wanted to send my thoughts and hope wed comes round quickly, I hate the waiting game.

I woke up in the night thinking I should be feeling the baby move and I dont, and Im not showing much either so had a panic at 4am. Feel a little anxious about it too so I completely understand.
My MW appointment is friday
Thinking of you xxx
Sorry your feeling like this, think anyone would be feeling a bit like you this week though it's only natural. Just try and look fwd to your scan next week. Have you still been getting lots of vibrations and flutters you were getting? Not sure how high or low uterus is meant to be around now but I can feel the top of mine about 4 inches above my pubic bone, probably in the middle of my belly button and pubic bone, so still pretty low, and I still don't have anything I can call a bump! I think you worry more with your second or third baby as well, I kind of wish I had the blissful naivety I had first time round too!
I totally understand honey, I am finding the further along I'm getting the more I worry because I know the enormity of losing a child at such a late stage in pregnancy. I was coping so well but I've hit 15 weeks and I'm a total worry wart! I don't know how I am going to relax as the further on I get it just worries me more. Maybe once I'm past 30 weeks when it went wrong last time I may feel like this baby will actually happen!

I too have booked a 4D sexing scan for this coming Saturday to help put my mind at rest. Tbh the NHS should be giving me a scan now IMO but they keep telling me everything seems fine and not to worry! I have not had any extra care so far even though we lost our son to Hydrops at 30 weeks. The research I have done shows some women having weekly scan in subsequent pregnancies - think I've been too soft!!

I hope it does get easier honey, I'm not really enjoying pregnancy either. I was the same with my first child, I was so naive and didn't worry about anything and she was a text book pregnancy and is a healthy little girl. I've probably just depressed you more with this post but I just wanted to let you know that I'm feeling the same so you're not alone :hugs:
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Thank you for all your messages ladies. Its just rubbish that we feel we cant enjoy it when it should be an enjoyable, exciting time.
My OH is packing me off to aquanatal tonight so i can go and speak to other mums to be. He said I really enjoyed it when I was pregnant with Adam so it might make me start liking being pregnant again, bless him x x


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