its today and no sign


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2010
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so as of tomorrow, i'll be officially overdue. cant believe ive reached due day already :) but no sign of wee one yet sadly

get out and meet your mum wee man :)
Congrats!! Such a milestone isn't it.... even if nothing does happen. Good luck, at least your little bubba will be here soon xxx
At least you know that soon enough your little one will be here!!!

Really hope something twinges soon for you :) Good luck with everything and keep us all updated :D x
I hope he arrives soon! I've just been to my ante-natal class and they were talking about being overdue as the limbo time, so hope you don't have to wait too long!! x
awww yay!
hope your little fella makes an appearance soon, i bet you're so excited :yay: !!
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Congratulations on making it so far, I really hope your LO doesn't keep you waiting too long now xx
thanks everyone. im really excited it can be any day now. cant believe im so close to the end.
Ha Claire you are fully cooked and pinging away, come on baby - come out already XX

Best of luck for the birth , look forward to your new baby story X
Congrats on a healthy nine months - try and relax i no being overdue makes one feel impatient and wanting to try all sorts of wonderful things to get labour started! - but babe will be here soon. Have you had any signs?

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