It's official...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I can no longer drive...

I just can't... The bump gets in the way, its impossible to manoeuvre the steering wheel around without vast amounts of effort and it's an absolute nightmare to get in and out of my car... So until little miss comes along I will no longer be driving...

I feel quite sad about that really :cry:
i haven't been driving for 7 weeks now, and i miss it loads but i keep thinking in about 2 week i could be behind the wheel again :cheer: :cheer:

Still as nic said you've done well to get this far
(although I have to admit I drove myself to the hospital at 10 days overdue to book an induction, as I didn't trust DH not to crash... stupid really as not only did I have serious overdue pregnant blimp road rage but I could only do one thing at a time ie steer, then brake, then change gear, which made going round roundabouts fast (I was going to the hospital and they were going to get that baby out of me, so I couldn't possible stop and check for cars :oops: :shock: ) quite dangerous.
DH has taken over most of the driving now... he seems to value his life for some reason :lol: :lol:
Ooooh poor u, Sqig :( I hope I don't get to that stage, I love driving too much, we're just about to get a new car aswell..but I guess I won't feel like doing much driving at nearly 40 weeks :(
thought you were in labour!! i can still drive but i'm not very good at it but then again i never was!!!
i have to admit i'm having probs.

being short i cant get my seat near enough to reach the clutch due to bump, it wasnt too bad until it started dropping but now i'm struggling abit.

o/h said i shouldnt drive but it didnt stop him wanting a lift on saturday so he could go out........
I'm still driving short distances as I can squeeze behing the wheel still but turning to look over my shoulder and reverse KILLS- I only park places where I can drive straight out again :rotfl:
Oh no! Can't imagine not being able to drive at all :shock:

Saying that I can't drive ort BMW now because the seats are low, I can't get in and out without doing myself an injury! I'm not stranded yet though, got the other more sensible car I can drive still :)

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