It's official....


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
I can finally (officially) post in third trimester now :cheer: ...the last little part of T2 dragged, I'm so pleased to be in the final stage now!! It's nice to see some familliar faces that moved here before me and looking forward to getting to know the rest of you!! :hug:
Great to see you here Nicola! Did you bring cakes?!?

Congratualations on reaching 27 weeks


Valentine xxx
Hey I'm pregnant of course I brought cakes....although I'm avoiding sugary things this week (blooming glucose test looms Tuesday morning!) but here...

...knock yourselves out!! :cheer:
:cheer: welcome to 3rd tri at long last we say.. :hug: :hug:

*helps herself to a cake and runs*
Congratulations & welcome to the final stage!!!

Thanks for the warm welcomes...and get eating those cakes since I can't have any till after my glucose test!! :hug:
:cheer: welcome to tri 3! enjoy ur home stretch :dance:

:wave: congrats and welcome.

now i gotta try and get the crisps i jsut dropped in my kboard :rotfl:
enn said:
now i gotta try and get the crisps i jsut dropped in my kboard :rotfl:

:rotfl: I do that too when I'm posting/emailing etc...darn annoying!! :roll:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hi Nicola

Welcome to 3rd Tri! I hope your time here passes quickly and peacefully.

:wave: hey welcome to tri 3! :dance:

dont mind if i do *takes cake*!
Yeh!! :wave: last bit of tri 2 dragged for me now..... is all a bit real in here though, people keep on actually having babies!! :shock: :D
topbird said:
Yeh!! :wave: last bit of tri 2 dragged for me now..... is all a bit real in here though, people keep on actually having babies!! :shock: :D

:rotfl: Great!! I can't wait to have my baby!!!!

The end of T2 really dragged for me...and I remember you posting your goodbyes, seems like AGES ago so it really has been a long time in coming!
Soooo so thankful I'm in the last "little" bit now!!
yay! at last. welcome to tri 3 :cheer: i thought the last couple of weeks have dragged too.

scrummy cakes btw :hug:

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