Its hitting home!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Well today I finally got OH to get the baby stuff down from the garage. I have my moses basket, car seat, lily pad floor mobile and bouncy chair, ready to move tomorrow to the new house along with bag fulls of baby clothes, newborn and 0-3 months. I didnt realise I had, and kept, so much.

I had a good look through it all in the sun on the lawn and picked out the things for my hospital bag. (I know, Im 37 weeks and still not packed my bag)

Its all starting to hit home now. This pregnancy has been so different than I expected and up until now I havent really thought about things.

Im excited, yet absolutley petrified!!! Will I cope with 2? how will family life be in 2 houses? and as for giving birth :shock: I really dont want to do it.
I just hope I bond with LO, today it all began to hit home!!! :pray: :? :shock:
I am scared to be having my second baby. Due to circumstances, myself and OH live in two different loactions (28 miles apart)
I am really worried. With my son, I lived at my moms until he was 6 months old. This time I have my son (who is narly 6) and the baby to cope with....most the time alone.

I am sure we will be fine though lulu. I think it will all fall into place and be quite natural to us :hug:
You will cope un and be absaloutley fine you have shown such strength and courage and im sure you will take each new hurdle in your stride 8)
Enjoy your new home you deserve all the happiness in the world!!!!!
sarah :hug: :wave:
Hi Lulu,

You'll be fine with 2 (and you Fuffins too), honestly, it is much easier second time around coz you already know the ropes!!!

I'm not too far off 37 weeks and still have not completed a hospital bag, or got the baby stuff from the loft (need to wash the clothes too, and buy a new Moses basket mattress as the one I have has done two babes and is a little squashed!!!) Am beginning to worry now as cannot get it together to do anything!!!

All the best, :hug:

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