Its all over for us. So sad :-(

So sorry to hear of your loss. Take care of yourself and of hubby xxx
im so sorry for your loss.

I know how you feel as the same happened to me. I was in centerparks with my boyfriend and his family wen i started bleeding. I spent all new years eve and nyday in hospital.

I was 11 weks 3 days, and have no reason to why i miscarried.

it is so hard to carry on as normal, people keep telling me not to think about it too much,,,, bt they dont understand that its on your mind all the time.

i am starting to feel better by tellingmy self that it wasnt meant to be and that one day i will feel all the joy a baby brings.

sorry for the long post, this is the first time ivefelt able to come on the site since.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks so much to everyone for your kind words, it means alot to me. :hug:

Its so hard at the moment but i'm sure it will get easier, well i hope so anyway, its so heartbreaking.

Nicole86 - I'm so sorry to hear your story and i can truly relate to how your feeling. Please pm me if you'd like to talk, i understand exactly what your going through.

Thanks again to everyone for your support. Lots of love to you all and take care of yourselves and your little ones.

omg so so sorry to hear of your loss, i know it`s a bit late, but not been on here in ages as i`ve been trying to clear all my own mind after my own mc.
i only come on today to get a catch up, i actually looked you up to see how you were getting on, then was shocked to hear your sad news, you always stick in my head as i remember us both getting our bfp on the same day.
hopefully we can both have better luck next time xxxx
I am so sorry :hug: I hope you and your OH get some good news soon with a BFP... xxx
Hi Wannalilun - Thank you for thinking of me. I've PM'd you to talk in more detail. Hope to speak to you soon xxx

Dannii87 - Thanks for the :hug: . I need that at times, 7 weeks since we lost our baby and its still so hard.
Huge congrats to you hun and i hope you and LO are doing well :hug:
glittergirl said:
Hi Wannalilun - Thank you for thinking of me. I've PM'd you to talk in more detail. Hope to speak to you soon xxx

Dannii87 - Thanks for the :hug: . I need that at times, 7 weeks since we lost our baby and its still so hard.
Huge congrats to you hun and i hope you and LO are doing well :hug:

You're more than welcome! You just take care of yourself and get your body prepared for another LO xxx

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