Itch Itch Itch


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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HI ladies

Anyone else suffering with extermly itchy skin. My arms and hands and really itchy.

Is there anything I can use. Its driving me mad.
I suffered from a bad rash when I was about 15 weeks, was scratching like mad around my thighs and upper arms, and it was keeping me awake. I went to the GP and was given some chlorphenamine antihistamines (aka Piriton) and some aqueous cream. The rash was a result of using some body lotion, even though I have tried this lotion before without any sensitivity, it seems pregnancy increased my allergic reactions.
I'm itcy all over, especially my back and legs. I find it's much worse when I'm tired - odd hey!!??

Im gonna have to do something I cant stop scratching.

I havent been using lotion for that reason OopsyDaisy. My skin is sensitive as it is.

My fella said Im not aloud to itch it because I anger it lol
. :rotfl:
I had that with my first pregnancy. I got some stuff to put in the bath but I can't remember what it's called. Ask at the pharmacy they should be able to help..... :hug:
Whats the DO NOT CLICK sorry if Im just being dumb.

If I went to a chemist would they help me
The chemist would probably only be able to recommend some soothing cream like aqueous cream, they wouldn't be able to sell you anything stronger as a lot of medicines are not licensed to be sold to pregnant women - you can only get the stronger medicines on prescription from the GP.
WTF????? :shock:
I wrote the word p h a r m a c y .........and it came out DO NOT CLICK... :shock:

I am typing p h a r m a c y to see if it works, here goes ..... pharmacy

WOW - Same for me!!!! How weird is that!!??
lol how strange.

I know how hard it was to get hold of thrush stuff while I was on holiday. I had to suffer for a week till I got home to see my doc.

I can see the rash spreading around my arms it looks so hidious.
You poor thing. I was told by my doctor that piriton is safest to take during pregnancy although looking at other threads on here it seems that it depends on your doctor, some say take nothing. Does your gp run a saturday clinic? If so go see them as an emergency appointment. If not give nhs direct a phonecall and see what they say. You can't put up with an itchy rash all weekend.

Take care
I couldn't sleep last night because my arms and hands were so itchy! It's weird. Let me try this p h a r m a c y thing. pharmacy
I have ezcema and the pregnancy has made it worse. Now, my mum has the same problem so she gave me this hintful tip;

You know those little silk type jellewery bags that you can put earrings in or the types that come with smellys, take one of those and get some porridge oats. Runa lovely bath and place 2 of these bags in the water, water around 5 minutes, then get in.

The reaction of the oats and water has a soothing sensation on your skin and really works.

Failing this, buy some lavender oil, it's very good at calming the skin down or pick fresh lavener and rub it on the itchy skin.

Yes, Oatmeal really does work. I was told to use it on the kids when they had ckicken pox.


:rotfl: :rotfl:
Sorry, couldn't resist :wink:
I went to the p h a r m a c y and the lady said its eczma. She gave me some E45 itch releif cream and said go see my doc when it opens on monday.

the cream is giving me some releif.
I am suffering from itchy lower legs throughout the day and worse at night. I think it is more likely to be that I am becoming very hairy and all the constant shaving is irritating my skin along with making the hair growth faster and thicker.

going to try the PHARMACY thing.
I think the reason DO NOT CLICK comes up when you type P h a r m a c y is because the board has been having problems with spammers offering things like pills etc... so if they write P h a r m a c y it will come up with DO NOT CLICK and then people won't

Hope that makes sense :think:

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