iss everyones baby colicy at about 1 month old?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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i remember charlotte crying in her sleep or when i was feeding her.. and crying in pain.. and eds been doing the same the last 3 days.. hes feeding and crying uncontrolably.. and there is milk there when i squeeze my nipple.. so ive ruled out no milk..1st night i fed him a few mouthfulls of boild water.. and he slept right through the night b4 last he was crying and i put him on to feed and he fell asleep.. last night he was aweful.. he fed constantly.. and cried every now and again in pain throughout the night..

i really dont want to give infracol or gripewater.. as i think they can have negative effects.. they did on charlotte and from others who are breastfeeding have also told me that they have made their babys worse.. so im looking for natural remedies?

going to try massaging lavender on his tummy..
Jeni has had colic a few times and it was a strain to say the least. We have used infacol and gripe water which helped but didn't always cure it. We ended up in hospital with her Boxing Night because she was so bad, and the doctor there gave us a paracetamol mixture to give her, but because she was less than a month old and less than 7lb, we were only allowed to give her 2ml. We've used it sparingly, but it has definitely helped when she has been really bad with it.
Stanley went through a week or so of this at this age, it's tough :hug:

Have you got a sling? I found just carrying him around on me constantly in a Coorie fleecy pouch offered him some comfort.
it usually happens at bed time..around 10pm. so i go up to feed him in bed.. he has a fair bit of feed then i usually pick him up and nurse him to sleep.. as its only happened 3 nights in a row i havent got to the stage of needing to get up and take him downstairs yet.. i have got a brightsparks sling.. and i use it in the day.. but he only seems to get this at night? dunno if its normal.. would you suggest giving him boiled water still when he is like this?
kenzo was the same and i used infacol a few times, it helped a bit but he still has the colics occasionally. however most times i noticed that he just needed to burp so i sit him straight or put him on my shoulder and a big burp comes out, usually with a lot of vomit, which i think simply means he was feeling uncomfortable and needed to let out a big burp. hope that helps. :hug:
My LO was the same, I read that Infacol causes Constipation so the natural thing we tried was Fennel and Carom seeds in boiled water. They worked wonders and since then she has been much better. (I think it's a old asian traditon that goes back years)

The seeds are available from most Asian shops and it's the most natural medicine you could take.

If you want to try it then add a couple of Fennel Seeds and Carom Seeds to boiling water once a week then just use a few Fennel Seeds each day, you can then reduce this to every other day.

Hope this helps.
I think they do as well, Imogen had some evenings when she was sobbing her heart out and there ws nothing we could do exceot pace the floor.
Lasted a week or so and sh was fine again and never since.
newmum said:
I used gripe water. That's herbal too now though? no alcohol anymore :)
Yeah we use it too and it calms him down instantly. Think it neutralises whatever is giving him gip in his tummy

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