Is this mean?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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I'm finding it absolutely impossible to find a boys name I like. I seem to hate them all!

But I do really like the name Teddy (Ted for when he is older) but here comes the problem, our surname is Baker so he would be called Ted Baker - like the designer. I still like it but DH says its cruel. What do you guys think??
I would call him Edward but shorten it to Teddy so that on official things like school and papers he will be Edward Baker but then people would know him as Ted and wouldn't associate it. Ted Baker will probs be unknown by the time hes older anyway :)
nickilubs said:
I would call him Edward but shorten it to Teddy so that on official things like school and papers he will be Edward Baker but then people would know him as Ted and wouldn't associate it. Ted Baker will probs be unknown by the time hes older anyway :)

I agree

Love the name Ted by the way
I'd go with Edward and then shorten it to Teddy or Ted. Or whatever your son prefers when he is old enough to decide (Ed, Edward, Ted, Teddy...)

As he gets older he may find Teddy to young sounding is the only thing I'd consider. I don't hear it as an adult name. I think of teddy bears and baby things.
OMG how weird i have jsut posted asking about this name! I love the name Teddy....great minds :wink:
I bet at school he will be called Edd or Eddy.
My daughter is Danielle but has always been called Elli by us then one day i had a call from the school telling me Danni was ill i told them they have the wrong parent as i dont have a child called Danni it was ages before they actually said are y ou the mother of Danielle Wilson, the penny dropped.
It doesntmatter what you call him kids at school will call him what THEY want!! :wink:
I think i'd go with Edward instead :)

Teddy is a cute name for a child but i don't think a man would use it so Edward would just give him more choice :)
Hmmm... I don't like Edward personally... But I love the name Ted/Teddy! Not sure if I'd put it with Baker though.

Although, I went to school with Robbie Williams (he wasn't as hot as the singer unfortunately lol) and there were 2 best friends in our class called Ian Brown and Ian Ball ("...and?" I hear you all ask) well, we'd call them "I.Brow" and "I.Ball" :rotfl: Kids are cruel, but who knows if "Ted Baker" will even be that well known by the time your LO starts school?!


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