Is this breastfeeding normal?


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Hi everyone

I was just wondering if the following is normal. My baby is 8 days old now and her feeds on the breast can be over an hour long . She can fall asleep on the breast but drops off the nipple , wakes up and starts rooting again. I was up between 3am and 5am this morning doing one feed, I'm getting a bit tired now. She also seems to want to feed whenever she is awake. Could you also tell me when and if I change breasts during a feed?
that sounds fine to me. Breastfeeding is tiring in the first few weeks and you'll find baby is feeding a lot during this time -

just keep responding to your baby by feeding her as and when she wants for how long she wants.

When she feeds and falls off the breast try winding her over your arm and then putting her down in her cot or moses basket or whatever you have.
If you're happy to sit with her and cuddle her though thats fine too. Do what you like.

If you find she is settled after a feed and a wind leave her. She may want the other side and wake soon after settling so feed her the other side then.

Don't ever worry that you're doing anything wrong. So long as you're getting lots of wet nappies and baby is gaining weight nicely then you're doing ok.

Is that ok or do you have any more queries? i don't mind be bombarded.
Sounds normal to me babyroo - I know it's really tie-ing, but it's so worth it to get b/feeding established - tiredness is just part of the package, I'm afraid, I would give anything for a lovely 8 hours in bed!

How heavy was your LO when born?

Valentine xxx

yup sounds normal to me as well it is tiring but you get through it and it gets better :)
Thanks for your replies ladies, Was a bit worried I was doing something wrong and milk was'nt getting to her etc.
Valentine:- Jessica was 7lb 12oz when she was born , she was weighed again on monday at 6 days old and has gained 2.5oz. I was told to expect a big baby because I was measuring big all the way through and midwife thought she felt big but just turned out to be a long baby.
Can I just ask what do you do when you need to go out?
babyroo said:
Thanks for your replies ladies, Was a bit worried I was doing something wrong and milk was'nt getting to her etc.
Valentine:- Jessica was 7lb 12oz when she was born , she was weighed again on monday at 6 days old and has gained 2.5oz. I was told to expect a big baby because I was measuring big all the way through and midwife thought she felt big but just turned out to be a long baby.
Can I just ask what do you do when you need to go out?
try not to go out for as long as you can. Stay in and feed on demand and rest with baby.
If you HAVE to go out then just go out. Make sure you have loose clothing on and a shawl so when you need to feed you can do so without showing all andsundry your boobs :lol:
I wouldn't go out though until you have established BF (around 8 weeks) and you're confident at doing it. :hug:
Seren was exactly the same, always plugged on but she did start to space her feeds out and feed for a shorter period of time as she bvecame more efficient at feeindg. As for going out I didn't until I could breastfeed without the need to take my top off and use about 50 pillows :)
i'd just like to add on the going out thing,i found,that when i was out with jamie he seemed to sleep,for example if i was going to asda,or taking the kids to school,he would sleep in his pram,then as soon as we got home he'd wake up for a feed.maybe try taking her for a little stroll,say half an hour and see how it goes.

well done,btw,you are doing a great job.i know how tiring it can be,it still is for me and jamie is 9months!!
beanie said:
Seren was exactly the same, always plugged on but she did start to space her feeds out and feed for a shorter period of time as she bvecame more efficient at feeindg. As for going out I didn't until I could breastfeed without the need to take my top off and use about 50 pillows :)

:rotfl: i was the same. I quite enjoyed it though. Sitting all day with baby. Relaxing. :)
It was ace, I caught up with loads of DVDs and books, and became addicted to Home and Away. Though should be interesting to see how it goes with a toddler
thats what melissa and i were like at first, while we were both learning! it is really draining, but im glad i stuck with it as it becomes so much easier with time. the hard bit only lasts 3 weeks. unless she empties one breast dont switch until 3 hours later or if u become sore. good luck u doing really well! :hug:

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