Is she getting enough

Elfs Mummy

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2010
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M is now on 3 BLW meals a day with the occasional fruit smoothie as a snack. she now has a bottle of ebm in the evening before bed and is only taking 6 oz she probab;y has 3 bf throughout the day this cant be enough can it ? before when she was taking a bottle she was draining 8 oz and could have up tto 10 oz before bed. Is what she getting enough shes v unsettled during the day atm and will only stay on breast for 5 mins unless shes asleep/ comfort sucking. help please xxx
I would say that so long as she is happy and not crying for more food then it's fine! It's hard to tell with bfing how much they get but maybe offer a snack after a breastfeed to see if she's still hungry?
shes just very unsettled during the day but slept through last night so confusing x
Its so hard when weaning to figure out how much milk they need or want even with bottle feeding. I think around that age my LO was still having a bottle 4 times a day so have you tried seeing if she'll drink a bit more? I would feed LO inbetween solid food like a snack, so she'd have milk, breakfast, milk, maybe some fruit if I felt she wanted it, lunch, milk, maybe another bit of fruit or rusk or something, dinner then milk before bed. (she ate and still does eat, alot).

If shes getting a bit fussy she could be going through a development leap as well so maybe she might want more boob? If it was me Id just keep offering loads of things ie more sleep, more boob, more fruit here and there and see what she responds to the best. My LO had almost 5 feeds a day just a few months ago and almost overnight went down to 2 feeds a day so dont worry about over feeding with boob (you might not be) and just go with the flow :)

Glad she slept through for you though.
Isla has snacks inbetween her meals along with a cup of milk. She takes an ounce or two between meals. I don't bf during the day to encourage her to drink out of a cup as I'm due to return to work in a few weeks.


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