is my mate crazy?!


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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My friend at the 'new parents group' in our area is convinced that her little boy (3 months) and Ryan are both teething because they have started to dribble a lot and chew their hands all the time.

I know Ryan has just started to look at his hands and feet, and I know that babies discover and explore things with their mouth so I assumed he was just learning about his hands.

I'm sure 2 and 3 month olds aren't teething, but her HV said that lots of dribble and chewing the hands is a sign that they are.

I think I'm right and I'm just ignoring her... :think: what do you reckon? When Ryan chews his hand should I be giving him bonjela/calpol?! It just doesn't seem right..
loads of babies are teething at this age, it doesn;t mean a toothy-peg is close though I'm afraid.

It can take months! Although, of course, some babies are born with teeth so age isn't really much of an indication.

Stanley was teething at this age although the first peg appeared at 5 months. I keep hold of your Calpol reserve until he needs it with more uncomfortable symptoms like the raging temperature and bum rash. :)
Sam's been chewing and dribbling since he was three months, and there's still no sign of a tooth!

That doesn't mean anything though, the poor little LO's can feel the teeth coming way before you actually see it. Sometimes they come up and go back down again for weeks on end.

I've always found teething gel to be of little use to be honest. I've always used Nelsons teething powders, but only give it if you feel Ryan is in pain.
Austin was teething at his 8 weeks check, the doctor confirmed it! So it is possible to be teething early.

I think that recent studies have said all babies dribble & chew their hands so that's not necessarily a symptom of teething. However it could be the start.

Unless he seems to be in any pain you don't need to worry about bonjela or calpol. He'll let you know when he's teething properly!
my eldest daughter had her first tooth at 2 months (it was a top one aswell) but the enamel hadnt formed properly so it very soon had a hole in but dentist wouldnt pull it out and it eventually fell out when she was 6.
maisy is 4 months and has just cut her first tooth.
she is constantly dribbling.......bless,
I'm not in a rush for him to be teething :) I just wanted to run it past you guys to see whether there was any truth in what she was saying cos it just sounded nutty lol
of course he coulbe be teething! babies are sometimes born with teeth! so defo teething. but it may not show for a while yet.
Ewan started at 6 weeks.
Maia has had teething symptoms since she was about 7 weeks...No sign of any teeth yet though!
Kate was chewing from about 2 months old and cut her first tooth at 4 months so I definately think its a possibility. I got my first tooth at 3 months old and I did read somewhere that the teething age is hereditary so if you teethed young then maybe he is?
chewing is a developmental thing appparently, as is dribbling. my hv said the thing to look out for is red patches on cheeks (which hav actually JUST started appearing occasionally) iv been watching out for teething for 2 months now coz i mistakenly thought millie might be when really she wanted her bedtime routine. altho babies can teethe at different ages (some are born with teeth apparently! :shock: ) and some can show symptoms for months b4 the teeth actually cut thru
christopher was teething from 3 months he dribbles and chews constantly he has red cheeks which are a little chapped occasionally ashton teething powders help he finally cut his 1st 2 teeth at 6 and a half months xxxxxx
Hannah has been basically teething from birth!!! she had 2 teeth by 10 weeks.

now has 4 at 5 months.
Harrison started teething at 2 months so It can happen and yor friend could well be right
Yes im having this too michelle, im going to buy a teething ring and encourage her to chew on it. Have already had to give her calpole as its making her feel ill, and making her whinge lots too, shes been very unhappy the last few days.

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