Is leg waxing ok in 3rd Tri?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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My leg hair has been growing very slowly during the pregnancy. But it's got to the stage where it needs sorting out soon.

Is it ok to have a wax done at this stage? How will they do the backs if we can't lay on our fronts? :think:
im not too sure hun, have you tried the self waxing kits, or ready to use strips? they're much cheaper too
clairescunny55 said:
im not too sure hun, have you tried the self waxing kits, or ready to use strips? they're much cheaper too

I tried it once on my bikini line. Ouch! :shock: I burnt myself and was left with a scar which lasted a few weeks so won't do that again.

Plus ... I can't actually reach some of the places which need doing! :(
I was wondering about this myself earlier. I've never had anything waxed other than an eyebrow shape and I know I flinch everytime they whip the strip off. Was wondering if you are a wimp like me would the tensing up kick start labour? :?
waxing is fine in pregnancy!

I normally shave my legs (and *ehem* fufu lol) but having trouble at the moment (there seems to be this great big lump in the way :rotfl: ) so im going to ask a beautician i know to do them for me. Im soooooo fuzzy at the mo :( )
tangerinedream said:
waxing is fine in pregnancy!

Really? Well I will have to book myself in for a hollywood now then :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I was told that it can be more painful during pregnancy but it was fine for me.
Waxing is perfectly safe during pregnancy, many ladies go for a "tidy up" before their due date so they don't look a mess (think thats the last thing on my mind!!) but anyway it's perfectly safe just be aware that during pregnancy your nerve endings might be a tad more sensitive, this isn't always true, but some women do say that waxing while pregnant can hurt a little more. I always hate it and grimmace the whole way through it so it seems to have made little odds to me. They just get you to lay on your sides to do the backs of your legs but do say they might not get such a perfect wax as they do when you can lay flat on your tummy. Speak to the beautician if your concerned though. Mine has been a gem throughout with all my treatment related worries!!
Hi :wave:

I had mine done on Tuesday and it was fine. The bikini line part hurt a bit more as she couldn't pull the skin tight but the legs were fine. She just got me to bend my knees up to get to the backs.

Good luck, it's worth the pain, I feel really good after it. Had a pedicure too as not been able to reach my toes for a while :shock:

I need to get mine done soon too. I had my legs and bikini line done when I was 4 months gone and the bikini line did hurt more than normal the legs were fine although only had half leg so didn't need to worry about lying on my tum. I thought I'd wait another month before bracing myself that way its done for the birth too. My hair is growing so much slower now its great. :D
Have any of you had your bits done in ready for labour? I keep myself shaved and hygienic anyways but dont want a jungle growing down there when i get too big to do it myself again!
Plus i thought it will tide my over for a little while after the lo is born.
I had my legs done at the weekend - I usually use the self waxing strips but can't bend down now so went to a beatician. I stood up for her to do the backs and it wasn't any more pain full than usual - and a better standard than i manage anyway. Only cost £9 which I thought was really good value.
Thanks for all your replies. I'm going to have it done next week.

I don't usually have the bikini bit done with wax coz I've had some nasty reactions there. I use cream but even doing that has got harder these days! :wall:

I was shaved by the hospital when I had my son by CS. :( They used an old fashioned razor blade type razor. :shock:

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