is it true? dont mean any offence by it


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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my and oh sister were invited to a scentific study class ( dont want to upset anyone) it was bassically based on students learning about how people that a ttc and tracking and doing what they do to someone who isnt ttc and get pregnant off the off chance (dunno how to put my wording).

we were guinea pigs today they did alsorts of test on us both not blood test lol but simulation and mind consertration and other stuff. they started to as oh sister what she does to ttc and what she does to help herself get pregnant. then come on to me asked me. obv with both pregnacy it was a surprise as we werent trying to have ababy even thou we had talked about it but it seems to be that when we talk about it i alway seem to get pregnant, i was taking the morning after pill we even used condoms. i basically sed all this. so then it came round to the tests and stuff af researching in the past and found few answers.

they now think that people who ttcing, they are more likely to be under alot of stress by recording charts, temperature taking things that say help them concieve and also sticking there legs up in the air they found that doing all these causes massive stress and they end up missing the valuable bit of ovulating as there bodys start getting stressed making the body like a time machine and cause irregular cycles which making them beleive that there cycle is regular but in fact its not its more than likely to be a few days out even a few weeks, which also causes there minds to start thinking that they could be pregnant they end up with the same symptoms as being pregnant and they end up taking mumerous amount of test that they also think there have a possitive test. wen there cycle does start again they get pretty down. when he was talking to oh sister he asked her if thats how she felt and she sed yes it was how she wishes to be pregnant.he also sed that she trying to hard to conceive as it takes time and everyone is different. its also how your body works to and that timing aswell most people ttc to hard and try every day or every other day apparently he sed the more you have sex it damages the sperm as oh are trying to hard to get them out and trying to keep the missus happy it also proves more stressful on a man too as sometimes they feel presured and they lose intrest in sex. aparently different sex positions works on different people most people conceive doing it missionary which is the highest rated way to have sex trying for a baby. this was done at lgi for the universaty

is it true do you find that you get stressed if your ttc than people who conceive with out trying?

have you also ever tryed with out monitoring your cycles and tempratures?

its a touchy subject for some people i just want opinions on it not to cause arguments or humilate people that are trying as i understand how hard it can be and i just want to know from a ttcer point of veiw?
im soo interested to see peoples answers.... first 2 times i got pg it happened first month but i didnt ttc just stopped trying to stop it... this is my first month of actual ttc so ill get back to u,,, gtta test in a few days so well see lol ... altho i will point out that im not stressed at al xx
With my first we were ttc for 7 1/2 months I was told I prob wouldn't be able to have kids coz I have cysts in the last month I give up and fell preg. With zander I used a condom had a good time and fell preg. With chloé I tried for 2 months but on the second month when I fell pregnant I was really unwell so only had sex right after my period and then once in the middle coz I coulnt be bothered most of the pf girls were there at the conception of chloé and sofa action haha!!

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hehe lol i mean when i was with my ex we were trying for 4 year but never did so he asked his est friend to help out it was all legal went thru the solisitors and set up a contract if i did fall pregnant and i did with him ut sadly i found out a lil to late and was full term and was still born :( but even after that we waited a while ut nothing happened i was only give 30 % chance of conceiveing i thinking now that something might e wrong with him hes with my sister nowand theyve been together 4 and half year even then after we split up i was with someone else and we tried but nothing happened me and chris got to gether 3 month of moving down here i fell pregnant with amy and now im pregnant again so i was ttc with ex but not with chris iyknwim ut everytime we talk about it we seem to end up being pregnant i was shocked on oth tyms but happy now be even happier if this is a boy lol but i dont mind either way :) but thanks for your answers i didnt know where to post it so i thought it would be better in the lounge rather than the ttc section :)
I fully fully agree with everything you've said. I think people get way too bogged down with the idea of ovulation etc, and I think that the poor men are used almost, and once their peeress are pregnant they are chucked aside. I fully think that if you just go with the flow, you'll have a much better chance. If you look at people that have accidentally fallen pregnant, they have normal full term pregnancies and there was no stress prior to being pregnant. I am a prime example, I came off my implant fully intending to go on the pill a month later and voilà, here I am 33 weeks later. Totally believe in that test, I think it will open a lot of peoples eyes. X
I fell pregnant 3 times without trying then when we did start trying did took 3 months! I think it's true, it does take longer when thinking about it too much
I think you're generalising far too much. I have regular cycles but only one tube, so knowing when I ovulated every month helped me to relax far more about it - yes it's disappointing when you have so many months when you don't get pregnant, but I'm not sure how anyone can say that you're less likely to charting than not charting - surely it's disappointing either way? Plus if you're charting/using opks you know if your ovulation is delayed for whatever reason and that your period will be late because of that - again surely not charting and being weeks late would be more confusing and stressful? And how does sticking your legs up in the air cause massive stress? :eh:

And having lots of sex does not damage your sperm. People with a low sperm count are advised not to have sex every day but that is due to low numbers, not damaged sperm.

Yes TTC is stressful, and when you're trying and charting for months it can take over and be all that you think about, but I'm not sure you can generalise like this and say that charting causes massive stress and reduces your chances of getting pregnant.

Who are the researchers? x
I agree with the study. Im totally new to TTC and although Ive been symptom spotting like mad Im not using anything to help me get pg just sex as and when and crossing fingers. I completely agree that its stressful and we do far too much, checking, recording and thinking we are pg when were not. This week I totally thought I might be yet its all back to normal now and was a rollercoaster week. Ive also read that too much sex can weaken the sperm but I dont believe that to be true but who knows.
They told my sil and bil that having too much sex and the man trying to hard can damage the quality of the sperm coz of the stress. They have been ttc for years now bless um but they were told cheese and nuts (un salted) boost sperms quality so that's good to know lol

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the research was done by the LGI the students and sceintist that teach at the university they went in to a lot more detail to i just want to see if its the same for different ttcers i understand some people have problems and are struggling
my sister has been tryig for 10 years her little boy is 11 now and hasnt conceived since she been for all the test everyting came back alright for her and her partnerand her oh may feel pressured and not producing much
My sil been trying for 16yrs no baby yet she conceived last year then miscarried :( such a shame she has pcos

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Hmmmm is def debatable isnt it! We were TTC for 3 months and got pg and MC.... then tcc for another 3 months and were also going through first round of fertility investigations etc...I was getting a bit fed up of charting, temping etc so I stopped everything even TTC and BINGO we got pregnant... Who knows if it was coincidence or because I actually felt more chilled out and relaxed tho...I guess I will never know but stopping it all one way or another was the way we got our BFP xxx
I think that all those ovulation tests are all a big money maker as well. It's just because the companies that invent them know that couples ttc will do anything, and spend money on almost gimicky things. X
It does make you think, i never ttc properly with either of my pg's and i fell pg straight away, sadly one ended up in a mmc and this time around we are just going to do the same, relax, no opk's and no charting so i hopefully will let you know in the next few months whether the relaxed approach has worked for my OH and me, ive got my fx x x

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Also I suppose you have to think those that aren't trying have been having sex for a long time without ttc who knows if it would have took the same time or not charting ect.. I do think it helps to be relaxed tho :)

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