is it tacky...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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... to go clubbing at 18 weeks pregnant? It is my friends 22nd birthday next week and we are all going out for a meal. They are going to a club later on and I've been asked if I want to come too, they said they'd understand if I don't want to, but I said I'll think about it. If I did go I'd be sticking to diet coke, no alcohol AT ALL. Since I found out I was pregnant I haven't even seen many of my friends so I am looking forward to this but I am worried incase people think it is tacky for a pregnant woman to go to a club.
I have wondered this too, i really miss going out on a friday night and my ramshackle nights :( i know if i went there i could easily sit down and be in the area thats not full of people (i'd prob aviod dancing as i'm very protective of belly bump) but i'm a little worried people will judge me, especially the people i know :roll: I'd never drink anything but coke or lemonade but i'm still paranoid.
Sorry i havnt really helped you in your question, however i also wanna know what all the other ladies on here think of it x
when i was pregnant with Romi, it was my sisters 18th and i wnet out to pubs and clubs at 26 weeks pregnant, i got a few odd looks, and was so tired i left about 10 oclock lol. but other than that i was fine. it all depends on you hun, i dont think theres a problem, if you arent over doing it and sticking to soft drinks then it should be fine. I tried to avoid standong too close to any loud music etc, but all was ok :D
I'd say go enjoy yourself and let your hair down. Just don't go doing any extreme moves on the dancefloor :lol:
Just today I was saying to oh I want to get all dressed up and go out, even if its just to a couple of bars.
I dont think theres anything wrong with it, go out and have some fun!!
Thanks for all the replies! I've been wanting to go out with my friends for weeks but with the pregnancy I just felt that people would judge me for being pregnant and going to a club! My last night out was at Halloween, which ironically was the night the baby was conceived! :rotfl:
Plus I don't want my friends thinking that I've turned into a boring old fart who can't have fun anymore! The one problem is the birthday theme is 'pimps and hoes' so everyone is dressing up in clothes from Ann Summers! That is just one step too far for me! I'll be the pimp! :rotfl:
im sure you'll be fine. there will be some people who say things either to you or about you, but then again, doesnt that happen everywhere lol. Go out, have fun, enjoy yourself, you deserve it
Go out and enjoy yourself hun, my friend managed to come out for my OH's birthday and she was 11 days, fair enough she didnt manage to stay out all night but it saved her from feeling left out and being alone in the house.
I dont see a problem with it, pregnant women have a life to.
With the smoking ban there should be no problem whatsoever :D
I would have thought a pregnant woman choosing to be in a very smoky place was a bit tacky but that won't be the case. And if you have the energy to dance, go for it! Baby is well cushioned in the amniotic fluid and will probably enjoy it. Dance with a circle of friends so strangers don't bump into you if you are worried.
Have a great time! :hug:
ive wondered this too, i think id be too protective. i dont like people pushing past me on the bus etc! i dont see why you cant go out! im sure im not going to stay in for the next 5 months! :D
i went to a club a month ago, didn't enjoy it as much being honest, but i'd say go for it :D xxxxx
A pregnant Pimp? I'm sure that would be a first :rotfl: You probably would get a few glaring look's and maybe even comment's if you wore ann summer's clothes, but those people would be stranger's and have no right to judge you. Your friend's know you and know your not some whore up the duff, you just want abit of fun and deserve it too.

Seriously hun, a pregnant woman is as much entitled to a good night out as anybody else. I think the people who might judge you would be women who have never been pregnant themselves or narrow minded men who judge women all the time anyway.
Definitely go for it - it's important to still have a social life, 9 months is a long time xxx
No you're supposed to stay at home in your jim jams eatting digestives and having cups of tea watching Taggert or something.

Course not love ignore what others think its none of their business your bambino will love the music and its ok to enjoy yourself once in while! Have fun and then show the pictures off here!

Ooo what you gonna wear? :cheer:
No it's not tacky at all hun
You go out with your mates and enjoy your self
Our social lives should not end because we our preggers or have kids we still need our mates and our fun and ME time.
Im sure your mates will take good care of you
let us know how it goes and make me green with envy ive not had a proper night out in a long time.
Hope you have a good night sweetie
LOL Sarah :wave:

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