is it really so bad....


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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that i dont want/cant leave Braydon for longer than a nite, even that is a nite to long.

the reason i asked is that Chris tried to do such a sweet thing, take me away for a couple of nites at the end of august, but without Braydon (he knows how i feel) and i totally freaked out at him and was such a bitch, just the idea of leaving Braydon altho i trust my parents 100% makes me want to cry and makes me feel sick,
and everyone said that i am gonna cause Braydon problems wen his older, if i dont leave him with someone else for a couple of nites do u think this is true???
i cant leave Hannah either hun so dont worry, Malc wated us to go away for a night for our anniversary but i said no unless Hannah can come too :oops:
yeah Bray is coming on mine and Chris's honeymoon lol
thanks hun u have made me feel better :D as per usual :D
Longest i've left my kids was 12 hours while i was in hospital having green bean. Even though i was in labour i was so upset that i was leaving my daughter for such a long time... Like i'd failed her! Silly i know. But she's not clingy and is very independant so it's done her no harm :)
I wont leave Jack either :shakehead:. Im actually dreading having to leave him when im in labour :(
I've left DS overnight once and didn't like it - I was round at my mum's by 8am to have breakfast with him. I don't think I'd leave him for longer unless I really had to.
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I used to be like that, but there has been a few occations when I just couldnt take Arianna so my SIL has kept her and Arianna has a ball. She gets to play with her cousins and run around my SIL massive back garden.

Don't get me wrong I miss her like mad and want to pick her up as soon as possible, but I know she is safe and having fun.
I couldn't even think about leaving Luke either. I don't think it's bad at all hun xxxxx
I must be really mean :oops: I went away last weekend and left all 3 kids with my mum. We left at 2.30 on Friday and came back around 12 noon on Sunday. I must be a terrible mum cos I can't even say I missed them that much, how bads that. It was our first break in over 7 years though.
kellie80 said:
I must be really mean :oops: I went away last weekend and left all 3 kids with my mum. We left at 2.30 on Friday and came back around 12 noon on Sunday. I must be a terrible mum cos I can't even say I missed them that much, how bads that. It was our first break in over 7 years though.

dont worry hun, i leave DS for 1 night and I would beable to do 2, I would miss him so much and even on 1 night I do keep Texting to ask if OK etc, and were having our 2 week honeymoon next year ALONE but we feel its very important for couples time.

Sarah - I dont think it will do him any harm but a few of my friends in schools folks had never had them away for the night and neither of them attended our PJ parites as they didnt want to be away from home, one attempted it once but phoned her mum late at night to get her as she couldnt sleep
Lydia has just come back from spending 2 nights at my MIL's house and it felt really weird to not have her here. I went to see her yesterday to take her home actually but she asked to stay a second night.
She had a great time though - she wants to go and stay there again overnight later in the week.

I guess it's like a treat for her to stay there, but still it felt really weird. I'm not used to her not being here.
well u guys are going to hate me then and think im a really bad mum, both my kids stay at my mums once a week, they love staying at there nanna's house they get spoilt rotten and she has the money to do things with them that i cant. Also this is really going to piss you off, next sat they are going away with my mum for a week, to haven park, god yea of course im going to piss them so bloody much, but if it wasnt for my mum they would not be having a hol this yr as i cant afford it. Also i know they are goingto have a wicked time at haven and willl be 100% safe.

I really dont think there is anything wrong with ur kids going somewhere u know they are going to be 100% safe and u know they are going to have so much fun :D

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