Is it only me?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Im finding things quite hard just now. Jess is 3 and Joe is 10 months and I dont feel as if I can do anything right for them, im tired, grumpy and they are winding me up a bit.

I have hardly anytime to get anything like housework done and as for dinner....

Other mums, please let me know your experiences and some time saving things. Budge, youve got 4, surely you must have some tips.
Laura I feel like that some weeks with one never mind two!
I think every single mum in the world finds things hard and i must imagine iv not long had a few days on the run where i have been completely wiped out and tired and snapping at alfie telling him off, and found him so much hard work but luckily hes turned round agaian and very happy last few days.
During the days i was having a hard time i did NO washing NO cleaning, only JUST managed to make tea for alfie and was struggling alot. My advice is to just relax as much as you can, when the kids go to bed run a bubble bath and forget all about the jobs to e done and as soon as youve had the bath go to bed and go to sleep, i think when you are tired everything feels much worse than it is, do this wice in a row, then the thirs night tackle that housework and wahsing, after 2 good nights sleep you feel so much better, :hug: :hug: :hug: i hope you feel better soon hun
aww hun i struggle enough with Braydon let alone having two
all i can suggest is if u feel urself getting stressed make sure their safe then take two mins time out thats wot i do i make sure B is safe then go sit on the doorstep with a drink calms me down great

awwww hun .. 1st have 1 of these :hug:
i no its stressful bein a ingle mum with more than 1 kid .. im going through the same with my 2 aswell
wat i tend to do is:
wake up 10 mins before i no the girls will so i can get there breakfast prepared
let them eat there breakfast, bath and dress them, let them play whilst i just put some washing in and clean around
have a rest and watch telly whilst they are playing with each other
do their lunch then Kiyanna will go 2 nursery and Elise will have a nap. during this time ill just have a break and relax
then when Kiyanna comes home its just dinner, play, bath & bed
sure it will change when bubba arrives but this is what i do so far just so i get a bit of peace and time 2 relax on my own
hope this helps in anyway chik
x sophie x
Everybody has tough days - don't worry it's not you. :hug:

On the subject of mums of large families tho - my mum and I were on about this recently - one of my sisters is due to have her second and as she has to have my mum to look after her only child - who is good as gold - if she wants to clean up :roll: we were laughing at the idea of her with two. My Mum had 5 babies who came home from hospital. The youngest was born when I was 6 1/2 and I was the eldest...
She says the day she bought my youngest sister home she sat on the sofa, we all sat round her and she felt like she was a mummy bird as we all shouted at her and each other, all prodding and pulling at the new baby she just looked round and thought what have I done. :?

Dad went fishing that afternoon :rotfl: :rotfl:

But - ok sometimes it was a little chaotic (still is :wink: ) and sometimes the washing didn't get done that day and sometimes we all hated it and wanted to be an only child (esp between the ages of 13 - 16), but I don't look back and think hmmm Mum only dusted once a week - I think remember the day dad was decorating and it rained and Mum sat us all on the sofas in the kitchen and made pompoms with us....

Sorry sentimental moment - don't stress the small stuff :hug:
Thanks for your lovely posts. Those were lovely memories lib.

Can I just clear up that Im not a single mum though, i have dh, i just dont mention him much :rotfl: Being a single mum must just be doubly hard and I have nothing but respect for a person who raises children on their own be it their own choice or not.

I try to rush around doing this and that so he doesnt think im a midden. He doesnt expect me to and is the most helpful and kind person but also he is very calm and relaxed. Laid back.

Im not, im in at everything at 100 miles an hour which results in me geting there slower. Tortoise and the hare scenario.
libs said:
Everybody has tough days - don't worry it's not you. :hug:

On the subject of mums of large families tho - my mum and I were on about this recently - one of my sisters is due to have her second and as she has to have my mum to look after her only child - who is good as gold - if she wants to clean up :roll: we were laughing at the idea of her with two. My Mum had 5 babies who came home from hospital. The youngest was born when I was 6 1/2 and I was the eldest...
She says the day she bought my youngest sister home she sat on the sofa, we all sat round her and she felt like she was a mummy bird as we all shouted at her and each other, all prodding and pulling at the new baby she just looked round and thought what have I done. :?

Dad went fishing that afternoon :hug:

But - ok sometimes it was a little chaotic (still is :wink: ) and sometimes the washing didn't get done that day and sometimes we all hated it and wanted to be an only child (esp between the ages of 13 - 16), but I don't look back and think hmmm Mum only dusted once a week - I think remember the day dad was decorating and it rained and Mum sat us all on the sofas in the kitchen and made pompoms with us....

Sorry sentimental moment - don't stress the small stuff :hug:

That is so sweet, such a lovely post :hug:

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