Is it normal???


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
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Due for my second in three weeks.

Thing is it wasnt planned and i already have a 5 year old who i adore, she is now full time at school and i had my freedom back so to speak.
Then fell pregnant again and sometimes i wonder what the h*ll have i done but then sometimes feel that i can't wait for another baby and all will be good.

Is it normal to feel this way? Maybe because of the age gap or because for 5 yrs its just been all attention on my little girl and its gonna be different.

I also worry a lot about my little girl and she is very sensitive and don't want her to feel pushed out. She keeps saying how she wants her mum back as i've been ill for most of this pregnancy and it breaks my heart that i've not had time for her as much as i used to and it will be worse when new baby arrives.
I think it's entirely normal to have these concerns Terri so don't worry yourself about it or feel guilty.

In the last few days before my LO was due to be delivered I had the odd worry like this too. My first is 17 1/2 years old and I never thought I could love another child as much as I love him. We are very close (having been just the two of us for the last 9 years)... but my worries were unfounded. I fell in love with my new baby the instant I held him. I am sure you will be the same.

I'll bet your little girl will also love her younger brother/sister too. She's at the age to be able to be "Mummy's little helper" with some things so try to get her involved with the baby where you can. That will help her to bond even more. Good luck :hug: You'll be fine.

hi hun i am due my second in 6 weeks. i too get scared that i wont feel the same love as i do for my DD. i think its natural for us to feel this scared it like this worry is replacing the first time mum worry of will i be a good mum. i also think that last time was a fluke and that i will be totally useless with this baby as everyone keeps tellin me that reanna was a really good baby and that i will get a rogue this time. im sure when our LO's are in our arms all the worries will fade away.

:hug: :hug:

Im not frightend about my feelings for my baby at all, I already love her and think that it will only strengthan and grow oncew she is in my arms. I love my son to bits but i know there is enuf love to go around them all.
Thank for replies, tried to talk to other half about it but i don't think he gets it lol.
Glad you asked this Terri, i've been feelin the same way too, my DD is 10 and a half as we were a single unit for 7 years just us, and i do worry i wont love this baby as much as i could possibly love her, the way i look at it is this is completely different circumstances and so the love will be different too. :hug:

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