Is it normal to feel this nervous


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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I am four weeks pregnant and very nervous. I am worried that everything I do will effect my pregnancy (even changing the bed clothes). Did/does anyone else feel like this or is it just me being highly strung? :think:
every one is the same hun dont worry(you know what i mean)
Aww hun you'l be fine. I was really nervous too, and didnt no what to expect. Just carry on as normal. :) I'm nearly 27 weeks and still can't believe it.
i was really nervous in the first few months too
i find myself more nervous 2nd time round for some reason, prob cause this baby was planned lol
I was EXACTLY the same....scared of doing the slightest thing, scared of bending down or sitting in a chair incase I "squashed" my baby boy! Little bit over the top but I still refuse to peg out laundry (stretching) or do the hoovering (using stomach muscles) but I'm happier now to potter around and by the time you reach 20+ weeks he/she will give you a good old kick if your in a position they find uncomfortable anyway!!
Thank you for that I feel loads better. I will try and stop worrying and enjoy the experience :D
I was so nervous about everything and dreaded the 2 scans I had before 12 weeks I was convinced something would go wrong but now I've made it to tri 2 I'm actually starting to enjoy being pregnant! The only thing that gets me nervous now is the thought of the pain of labour........

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