Is it dragging?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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Do you feel as though it's dragging in a bit?

I'm 21 weeks now and keep thinking that it went quite fast, but when I sit and say I'm due in November, it seems life forever! Or if I say I'm due in 4 months, still feels forever.

I just want to meet our little girl. I'm suffering from severe anxiety so I'm constantly thinking something bad is going to happen to her in this pregnancy, so want her it to b november now so I can get rid of this worry.

Does anyone else feel like time is dragging on? What are you doing to help? Should I maybe set goals? So that when I reach that goal I can make another etc?

Argh I'm driving myself nuts lol x
21 weeks seems ages away to me!!! Im glad of the time at the mo as were hoping to move and we need to save as much as possible for my maternity leave! Having said that I can wait to meet LO!
24 weeks viability day, not so long until then :)
Once you get to your v-day then it all goes much quicker, because your appointments with your midwife increase. After my v-day at 24 weeks, I had MW meeting at 25, then I have another meeting at 28, 31, 34, 36, 38, then 40, 41, 42 if I need them. So when you get past 24 weeks, rather than dragging on, it all runs away with you!!!

Hope it all goes well xx
aw i found tri 1 fast but have a sneaking suspicion tri 2 will drag im due next year sounds like forever away
It dragged big time in Tri 1 for me but now it all seems to be moving really fast, kinda scary and exciting at the same time :oooo:
What does v-day mean?

I have 24 week appointment, 28,32 and 36 week scan so I'm hoping it doesn't drag too much x
Tri 1 flew by for me! But now I'm in Tri 2 I feel like time is standing still :(
Im the opposite, also due in november i feel like i need time to slow down a little bit to get myself prepared!

I think saying the baby will be here and a month old by christmas makes it seem very close!!
Ok so my goal will b to get to v day, then my 28 week scan etc etc....

Just feels like it's going so slow. Might not be helping the fact I'm not working at moment aswell.

It will seem like its dragging as youve got nothing close by to look forward to.. ie scans etc.. im not too bad atm coz we dont know the gender and its still something to keep us going..

24weeks is a milestone.. maybe book a private scan in ur 30's? or plan a romantic weekend/eve with ur OH for reaching 30weeks.. give yourself a goal :)
It's dragging like mad, I though it would get better in tri 2, but it hasn't. Although I think that in my case that it mainly because I am struggling so much at work, I am so tired and it seems like maternity leave is only coming closer at a snail's pace... :-(
Yeah its dragging soooo slowly and it doesnt help that I was put back a week :( so there was me thinking I was gonna be 15 weeks tomorrow and now Im back to 14 :( haha. My first pregnancy dragged too, doesnt help that Im really impatient haha xxx
Can u plan something special each week? Doesn't have to be expensive but like a day where u do a face pack, leave in conditioner on your hair, shave legs etc followed by your fave lunch or something? Then u can look forward to that day of the week rather than looking forward too far? Does that make sense? :oooo:
My o/h has started to come home for the weekends so it gives me something to look forward to and breaks up the week which I think might make the time go faster - but I still can't wait to get to v-day, time can't go quickly enough :lol:
i didnt know what v-day was until the other day so now i cant wait to get there lol
I also found it was dragging till recently. But I go on holiday tomorrow, then V day, then a hen do which I have organised, then i'm bridesmaid (dreading feel frumpy next to the other BMs), then work will finish etc... so have got lots of things to look forward to before baby makes an appearance! I do feel like i have been pregnant forever already tho!

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