Is it dragging for you?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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I know we're supposed to be enjoying every moment, and I haven't had any sickness or anything since I got to 11 weeks so I should be coasting... But this week especially has gone so slowww! Felt like I was 14 weeks forever. Still 5 weeks til the next scan!!

This being said, with starting a new job Tuesday the longer I can not seem pregnant the better. But part of me just wants to feel baby kicking and have a proper bump now! Lol.

Yes and no. Seems to take ages to get to mile stones but then I realise that theres less and less time left until I meet bubs. It did drag until my week 20 scan just because I wanted to know what team we were on.
O and on the bump front mine suddenly popped out about week 16/17. Stayed the same for ages and then has popped again the past week or so.
its dragging for me now too. still tired and sick but no bump just my usual fat. want my next scan now! lol
It's dragging until my next scan (3 weeks 2 days!) but the weeks seem to be flying past. I've had a bump since early on and I'm quite big already I think.
Time has flown by for me! I have had a few weeks that dragged when we was waiting to have the Amnio, then when we was waiting for the results! As for the bump, I got mine fairly early on, its huge now!
Congrats on getting a job! I bet time will fly by when you start!!! X x
Time is now flying by and it's scary but exciting! First 12-14 weeks did drag because of the nervous waiting for the 12 week scan. But now it's like "slow down!" lol xx
I know what you mean. With all the sickness i really felt pregnant at the start. Ok it wasn't fun, but at least something was going on. Now I'm feeling more normal, but not much movement yet everything seem to have slowed down. I thought I had a proper bump but friends who dont know haven't said anything yet, so I maybe just look fat. Lol.

Lol exactly what I mean! I was all sick and feeling very pregnant in the 1st tri, and now I just feel normal again with a bit of a spare tyre round my belly that doesn't look baby-ish at all. The excitement of telling everyone is over, now I just feel like I'm waiting and waiting :( :( lol xxx
Yeah - i still feel like its a bit early to be getting properly organised for things - plus cos my folks live so far away - we've decided to leave our 'other' room as a spare room till bubs is actually ready to be in it - cos otherwise we'll have no where for visitors to stay. So havent even got nursery decorating to do. :(

im hoping once i get my next scan in 3 weeks or so it'll start to go quicker.

Just think of it as still having something to look forward to, I mean with the scan coming up. I mean I know I've got actually having the baby to look forward but thats such a long way off from the 20 week scan. I really looked forward to my scan, but then after that you have nothing for another 20 weeks. So just enjoy having something to look forward to. :D I'm sure eventually it'll start to fly by :) xxx
My first 12 weeks seemed really slow and with the sickness it felt like years away bu the last few weeks seem to have flown, I keep setting myself targets like Halloween then xmas then before i know it (hopefully) it will be March! Going over due is not an option do you hear that baby??!! :)
I also think its going slow. Can't wait until my next scan now and until I start to get a recognisable bump. x
It seemed to take ages for the time to come round when I was having my 20 week scan but now it's flying by! :)
I keep breaking it into little goals 16 week appointment, 20 week scan, 24 week appointment, 4d scan, Xmas. Then I can finally say my baby is due THIS year!!!! Lol

It is going slow, I just can't wait till I have that bump and look pregnant :) x x x

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