is anyone rhesus - and not getting jabs during pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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i was informed after my 16 week bloods i am A rhesus negative, but iv read on here people are getting jabs at 28 weeks and 34 weeks, im not getting offered these :shock:

my midwife said il get one after labout if baby is positive but she never mentioned any during pregnancy and everyone on here seems to be having these, should i be demanding them or something?
demanding may be a little strong - perhaps you could *ask* her why they have not been suggested for you at 28 and 34 weeks :hug: that woul dgive her a chance to explain and possibly correct any misunderstanding as universal anti D prophylaxis has been present in the UK for several years so it is unlikely that you will not need to have at least one jab before the birth (some places do 2 and some do a larger dose but only once - both work ok - ). :hug:

edit - to clarify - there are afew places that do not do it routinely but only a few and if your hospital is one of them you can ask them to explain why - ras far as research goes there is still some disagreement as there are pros and cons to each option - ask your midwife to explain :)
I asked midwife this the other day as everyone on here seemed to be getting 2 jabs and i had only 1.. she told me all depends on what hospital you were at some give 1 some give 2 some give none! If you have even a slight bleed you def need to go to hospital to get a jab but other than that you should be fine till after baby born. xx
with my midwife it could be a case of demanding it if its something i need as she is very laid back and not very helpful at all, this is the lady who didnt even check my urine i took into her at my last app :doh:

yeh think im going to call next week and ask about this, id prefer to have it before birth too.

If this is your first pregnancy there's usually no need to give the jabs during the pregnancy, just afterwards to protect future pregnancies. Double check with your midwife but this is what I've always been told xxx

I'm A- too and will get my anti-d injections at 28 an 34 weeks. The reason they give these is 'just in case' rather than for any actual medical concern.

I think it's best to ask your MW if you feel you want these if just for peace of mind.

Alex xxx
ASD123456 said:

I'm A- too and will get my anti-d injections at 28 an 34 weeks. The reason they give these is 'just in case' rather than for any actual medical concern.

I think it's best to ask your MW if you feel you want these if just for peace of mind.

Alex xxx

yay someone has the same blood :lol:

im going to call my mw tomorrow and ask a bit more about it, id rather have it as just in case reasons just to be sure everything is going ok :D

thanks for replies everyone :hug:
hi, i am also rhesus negative and the midwife suggested that i have a jab at 28 weeks then one during labour, i would def ask your midwife again and see what she says,

it is quite rare to be rhesus negative? we are the special ones!!!! :hug:

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