Is anyone else experiencing hay fever/stuffy nose symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
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For the last week I have had nose congestion which has been bearable.

For the last few days this has changed to constant sneezes, nose itching and a runny nose. I could almost liken it to hay fever.

I've read that this can be a symptom of pregnancy but just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
Yes, me in both pregnancies. I have constant catarrh at the back of my throat as well which makes me feel sick. I'm hoping it will go, it did last time at around 13 weeks.
Yes with both mine i felt like i was getting the cold an even now in tri2 if im tired i feel like im getting the cold an ive sneezed more in the past few weeks than ever before xx
I'm so relieved to hear this as i thought that I was allergic to something!

Any tips on how to calm it down? Xx
It was my first pregnancy symptom, even before I found out I was pregnant. It only lasted a week or 2 for me though. xx
Pregnancy rhinitis.
Got that last tine, have it now.
yup keep thinking I have a cold thats ending and then im coughing and sneezing again. Grr.

though mines only been about 1 & 1\2 weeks so hope it will pass.
mine stopped but now my eyes are drying out and itchy

all about the hormones

last time i was pregnant i had gestational asthma. went away as soon as i had the baby.
I haven't had his with my previous pregnancies.

I hope itches away soon. It's knocking me out!

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