I've got a real stinking cold (since Tues). Nose is constantly streaming, and poor LO must be taking a right battering with the stomach contractions everytime I sneeze and cough!
So far I've just been making cups of hot water laced with honey & lemon juice, but to be fair it's not really helping.
Also - not the best time to be getting a DR's appointment with it being X-mas eve tomorrow - so was wondering if there is any safe over the counter medication you could recommend. Or do I just have to grin & bear it
Thanks.... & Merry Christmas everyone.
So far I've just been making cups of hot water laced with honey & lemon juice, but to be fair it's not really helping.
Also - not the best time to be getting a DR's appointment with it being X-mas eve tomorrow - so was wondering if there is any safe over the counter medication you could recommend. Or do I just have to grin & bear it
Thanks.... & Merry Christmas everyone.