Irritating tickly cough! Help!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
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Since Saturday I have had a horrible, tickly cough that is driving me mad!!! For the past 2 nights I have only managed about 2 hours of sleep before I start coughing and then I wake nearly every half hour spluttering. My stomach is really sore due to all the tensing and baby just keeps poking me back every time I cough.
Every time I have a bad coughing fit my nose runs and I feel like I'm going to vomit!

I have seen my GP and they have basically advised paracetamol and a linctus medicine to sooth it but I just wondered if anyone else had any suggestions as I need to sleep (also just to mention I'm happy that its not something that needs antibiotics, its just my sinusitis following the usual patter but I can't take the normal medications that I would).
Aww so sorry to hear you're feeling unwell. I had a nasty cold last week that ended up with a tickly cough that wouldn't shift for days! I didn't take paracetamol but I did have linctus glycerine medicine stuff occasionally and I ate a lot of soothers. I was waking up in the night coughing and before bed I was having cups of warm, not too hot, water with a slice of lemon and a slice of fresh ginger in. If I liked honey I'd have stuck that in too! It really soothed my throat and I slept much better.
Really hope you get some relief and have a decent nights sleep soon :) take care x
Thanks Sarah. I woke up 3 times last night (which is better) and on the 3rd time I went back to sleep with a soother in my mouth and it seems to have done the trick (although I have now got cherry red dribble on my green pillow!) I suppose its just another thing to battle through but at least baby will be use to loud sudden noises. Im sure in a few months he/ she will get me back with lots of sudden kicks! :)
Sorry you're not feeling well hun :(
I had a cough that just wouldn't shift about a month ago - I know how blimmin annoying it is! I know it sounds useless but as Sarah7 says hot water with lemon juice and a good dollop of honey was the only thing that helped me. Shame we can't have a tot of brandy in it too but hey ho! Hope you get well soon xxx
Get well soon friend! If ur bored and up through the night u know where to find me! Lol xxx

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