

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Hello :wave:

I got a phone call tonight from a supermarket and I have agreed to go to a interview on saturday. Im 8weeks or just over pregnant Im not sure as to if i should let them know I am pregnant out of my own safety as in I wont want to be doing Heavey lifting like shelf stacking...but at the same time i know they cant refuse me due to pregnancy. So till work would be okay, also i have been suffering with quite bad sickness and if i was on a till then obviously I couldnt just drop everything and run!

Any thoughts as to what I should do?
Given what you have said about the possible situations you may face if you get the job, I think honesty is the best policy. Otherwise you'll be possibly starting a job and then having to tell them if you get assigned lifting tasks or are feeling ill one morning and needing to run to the loo.

However, I don't think you are under legal obligation to tell them if you don't want to. Maybe someone will correct me on this.
Aye it definatly not nessesary to tell them so early on. I think i will just have to be honest I know alot of people wouldnt say but with all the sickness I cant see me actually getting the job though after I have told them but It will give me a good chance in the future if I ask for them to keep me on record for after the baby is born and when I will be looking for work again?
They shouldn't be able to say no on the basis of you being pregnant - but then again some places say no and don't give reasons.

I'd probably tell them for your own health and so that they can support you if you need it. Good luck x

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