Interview tomorrow - Do I tell them I'm Preg??


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2010
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Hi everyone, looking for some advice please, I'm stressing out and don't know what to do :wall2:

I've got a job interview tomorrow morning, same company but different department. I know the manager fairly well and I've been told i'm in with a good chance of getting the job. I'm wondering if I should be upfront at the interview and say to him I'm in the early stages of pregnancy but I won't let it affect my work and I plan on coming straight back after Mat leave etc.

Or do I keep quiet until after after I've been told if I've got the job? I don't want him to think I'm being sneaky but I don't want to lose out either.

I know I've left this to the very last minute but I just wanted to make sure everything went ok at my scan today first.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks so much xx
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:wave: hi

If I were you I wouldnt tell them hon. You dont have to by law and if you do it may affect their decision. I understand you dont want them to think you are being sneaky but I think most people would understand that you are looking out for your best interests.

At the end of the day you have to do whats best for you and your baby.

Good luck - hope it goes well!
hey (just thought id pop over from tri to :))

i wouldnt tell them either, if its for the same company then they will be paying out maternity leave for you no matter which department you work in! like excited said your not law bound to tell them so of the ease of it i wouldnt, as like excited also pointed out it could effect your decision. also if the move of department will mean a pay rise (no matter how small) or over time this will all be taken into account when you do have your maternity leave!

i only told my employer about my pregnancy last week! i have a risk assesment tomoro, and know that my area manager (who will be doing the assesment) will be in a mood with me because of it!!! your better of waiting until you know if youve got the job or not!

good luck x

I'm not sure if this will help you but I faced a similar situation recently. I had an interview scheduled and two days before my interview I realised I was late and did two pregnancy tests which showed positive results. I wasn't sure how reliable the tests were as we'd been TTC for 3 years without success. I couldn't get a docs appointment but had an appointment the afternoon after my interview with the fertility consultant at my local hospital which I decided to keep.

I didn't want to say anything in the interview as I wasn't sure I was pregnant and there were 3 guys interviewing me so quite daunting. They phoned me the next morning and made me an offer.

That night I had a scan which confirmed I was pregnant so I rang them straight away and told them thinking they would revoke their offer but much to my surprise it didn't phase them at all and they still wanted to proceed. Just an example of when honesty paid off.

I would want my prospective employer to make an assessment of me based on my ability so I would want to know (without them knowing about the pregnancy) whether they thought I was good enough or not. Bring the pregnancy into it and if they decide not to offer you the job you'll never know if it was because of the pregnancy or because you truly weren't suitable for the role.

Tough call really. Maybe see how the interview goes first and then come clean with him?
Thanks for the advice ladies. Having slept on it, I think I'll keep quiet for the time being, it is still early days after all. I don't want to make it easy for them to pick another candidate because of the hassel of having to find someone to cover me during make leave etc. If I wait to 12 weeks then I'll be more confident of having a safe pregnancy and like you's said I will be know if I got the job or not due to my abilities! Plus I'm stressed out enough about answersing the questions correctly without worrying about telling them aswell!

Thanks again everyone and wish me luck for this morning he he! xxx
How did the interview go rachcraig? Have you got your 12 week scan booked yet? Not long to go now...
yeh how did it go?? In theory, you mightn't know you are pregnant by 9 weeks anyway ;-)
Hiya, I got the job woohoo! Just found out today :) Thanks for your advice! I will let them know once I know everythings ok after 12 weeks. Still going to be nerwracking though, I'm useless at things like this! I worry wayy too much, I'll end up just saying sorry loads!

Not had a date for my 12 week scan yet, I was pretty late in going to my doc tho, I'm such a scatterbrain! Thanks again xxx
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Congratulations on the job. I wouldnt have told them either you did the right thing xxx
Congratulations, I agree with Spinneygirl!
Congrats rachcraig! That's fab news. You'll know when the time is right to share your news...
You don't need to tell any employrer until 15 weeks before your due date do you not? x
kole's right, your not legaly bound to tell your employer till 15 weeks befor your EDD, though untill you do tell them they are not legaly responsible for anything that happens to the baby while your at work! i waited till i was 14 weeks to tell my employed (as my scan results hadnt come through yet)

i suggest when your find the time is right for you, do it in writting as they can't say you didn't inform them! all you really need to put is that your pregnant, by how many weeks and when your EDD is :) it also stoppes you from worrying about saying it and fluffing it up!!! good luck in your new job :)
Thanks for that, that's a good idea to put it in writing :) All going well I'll do that after 12 weeks then I can relax a bit. Things like this stress me out big time! I don't know why it's not as if I'm the first person in the office to ever get pregnant, I'm just a big worry wort sometimes! Thanks everyone! xxx

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