Internal examinations


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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I had to have an internal and found it really uncomfortable and painful, in fact it was HORRIBLE and took them a few attempts to actually get up there and see what was going on. They also ended up tearing the neck of my womb (wasn't a huge one, just a nick but still really hurt) I'm now really scared of them, more scared than going into labour and giving birth, I don't feel I will cope with another one :cry: I know I will have to have one but have no idea how I will cope. Have any of you had problems with internals and how did you get through it? Or am I just a big wimp? lol Would like to hear your experiences of it, it might help me a little. Thankyou in advance for any replies :hug:
:hug: I only had one and that was when I was 6cm so TBH I was more concentrating on the pain of labour.

They aren't nice but just think: it won't be long before your bub is here and then yu don't have to have any more for a while!

:wink: Contractions are far more uncomfortable than internals :rotfl:
When I was being induced I had to have an internal to get the pessary up there. The first one was blooming sore and while I really tried to relax the woman doing it seemed to take forever and she seemed to really struggle.

After that I was nervous about the 2nd so was more tense, this made it harder for the Midwife but it was a different one this time, and she seemed to have no problem doing what she needed to. The 3rd one (the pessary wasn't working!) was done by a male doctor, this was the one I was most nervous about but he managed no problem too.

During labour I needed about 6 internals to do blood tests on Lucy to check her blood oxygen and by this time I really couldn't have cared less who it was or what they were doing and I was definitely too distracted by the labour to care!

I guess what I'm saying is that every internal is different and depends on you - how relaxed you are, which you obviously were not when you were in such pain and worry. It depends on the skill of the person doing it, some people are just better than others. I'd say don't worry about it but you can't help it, the main thing to remember is that you had your internal at a really bad time for you, next time you shouldn't be in so much pain and hopefully you'll have a better skilled person doing it!
Jade&Evie said:
:hug: I only had one and that was when I was 6cm so TBH I was more concentrating on the pain of labour.

They aren't nice but just think: it won't be long before your bub is here and then yu don't have to have any more for a while!

:wink: Contractions are far more uncomfortable than internals :rotfl:

I had one then too and was in pain from the contraction and wanted them to check and tell me where I was at anyway so didn't care!

I lso had one the night before when I wasn't at all dilated but to be honest, I don't think that when you're in pain from contractions that you care...

Don't worry, you will be fine :)
Jade&Evie said:
:wink: Contractions are far more uncomfortable than internals :rotfl:

Very true! Hate to say it but an internal is tame compared to contractions and at one point I was begging them to examine me just so I knew how in the heck I was getting on!

I had one to check my waters had gone, another to insert the pessary, another to check what effect it had had (very little) and then another at 6cm.

Just bear in mind that they like to do as few as possible to prevent infection. You'll be fine :hug:
I can sympathise with you, i had one done a week ago when in hospital. I screamed and my eyes were watering. they could not physically get the thing inside me even asked another doc to have ago. there was no way it was going in. Gave up in the end but i was really annoyed to read "could not tolerate internal" on my pregnancy notes.
Really hurt though.

I have no idea how il push a baby out of me!
I had IUI so very used to internals. I had internal scans every other day for 3 weeks then when they did the insemination I had 3 people down there trying to find my cervix and insert a tube while I'm tipped upside down in a bed :rotfl: .

I can honestly say that I am so used to it now that I don't even flinch and have a conversation with them while they doing whatever they are doing :rotfl: .
keelie_b said:
I can sympathise with you, i had one done a week ago when in hospital. I screamed and my eyes were watering. they could not physically get the thing inside me even asked another doc to have ago. there was no way it was going in. Gave up in the end but i was really annoyed to read "could not tolerate internal" on my pregnancy notes.
Really hurt though.

I have no idea how il push a baby out of me!

I'm so glad its not just me! they got really annoyed with me but I didn't care, they were hurting me and wern't exactly gentle even though I told them if they did it slowly then i'd relax more and they'd have more chance of seeing what was going on! they just shoved it in and I think I would rather push a baby out than go through that again! lol they managed in the end though (just about!) How cheeky of them to write that in your notes, they should be more sympathetic.

Hazel - I wish I could be more like that and be able to carry on as normal! lol

Thankyou to all you girls for sharing your experiences, it has helped me :hug:
your welcome, we both know we're not the only ones now.
unfortunately its something we'll both have to get used to :( but you're right they're not the gentlest (sp) of people. :hug:
theyre hardly pleasurable lol but i never had any bad experiences- they just like smears i thought. but the ones i had in labour i didnt even notice- far too distracted by the contractions hehe
I have had lots due to bleeds in this pregnancy. Those are mainly the ones with the when you have a coil or a smear.

When you are in labour, they simply use their fingers to check how dilated they are....

Aslong as you try to relax as much as possible, these things often go without major incident....Not saying it was your some people are rough....But relaxing does help a hell of a lot :hug:
I had quite a few during my pregnancy, cause I kept leaking my waters they needed to do a speculum thingy each time, which wasn't pleasant.

Like the others say, it's totally different in labour as they just use their fingers to check for dialation and your cervix should be lower so not so much of a struggle to find it. Internals are worse earlier in a pregnancy because the cervix is very high up (Good thing!) and is harder to find.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks girls :hug:

Trixipaws - No, they are definatly not pleasurable in the slightest! lol

Fuffins - will try and relax more next time and think it will be easier if they just use two fingers, I thought they always used the speculum thing. Sorry you have experienced a lot of bleeding :hug:

poppy - poor you having to have them all the time :hug: that couldn't have been very nice for you :hug:

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