infertigo (sp?)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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my little nephew has infertigo on his face and i have to see him tomorrow as its his birthday.
is it dangerous for me to go near him?
manda xx
Hi sweetie yes its called impetigo :) it is contagious but only through contact its not air bourne Rachx
It wont pose any danger to your baby, but its not something you want to catch!
okies its just that i havent told my sister (his mum) about the baby yet im waiting for my scan tomorrow so couldnt really ask her if it was safe.
will hold off from kissing him then
thanks :D
manda xx
It's Impetigo, I had it a few years back... didn't know what it was at first, and then it spread like wild fire... I don't even know how I got it because my DD never had it...

But it is soooo contagious... but only if the sores weep...its the fluid in them that are contagious...once they scab and crust over, they aren't so infecious anymore....

Its absolutely horrible to have... The itching is horrendous.. which is why if your nephew has it, do not touch his hands... or let them touch you... Half the time, I wasn't aware I was scratching the sores, it's just soo bad you have no choice...

Silly thing is it's very easy to cure, but if you've had it once you are more suseptible to it again... It's not dangerous if you are pregnant as it's a fungal skin disease... but you could pass it to your baby after it is born as you are in such close contact with it...

I didn't take any tablets for it, but I did have to clean all the sores 3 times a day with anticeptic wipes, then put this cream on it and within a couple of weeks it was gone...

Unfortunately I still have the scars from where I had it on my face but it's not noticable under my makeup...
my sister said he hasnt been touching it but il be extra carefull anyways im just going to feel really mean not letting him to close :(
manda xx
When I went to the doctor.... I made the comment that itching the sores was better than sex... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: It just felt soooooooo gooooooood.... and everyone here knows my feelings on sex... :rotfl: :rotfl:
hehehe yer hes got cream for it i just havant seen him in over a month mind if i got a scan pic of baby he might forgive me if i tell him what hes got could make the baby poorly aswell he will understand that
manda xx

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