Induce naturally


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Sep 15, 2018
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Hey, I'm 37 weeks pregnant and no signs of little one coming at all... No effacement no dilation no nothing... I'm going for a vbac but never been in labour before. I'm trying as they have booked me in to be induced next week which increases the chance of my scar rupturing. I have tried walking, swinging, bouncing, spicy food, clary sage, raspberry leaf tea and nothing. Even tried sex different positions holding legs in the air.
I just really don't wanna be induced but if the inducing don't work they booked me in for a c section at 40 weeks.
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At 39 weeks I started doing squats (hold the position where you feel most pressure) and using the breast pump 10 mins a side before bed. The second day doing that the tightenings from using the pump continued and progressed into labour over night. My son was born at 39+2 and I swear it was that which started labour for me. Worth a try :)
I tried everything with my first. Hot food, pineapple, sex, walks, birthing ball, you name it I tried it. I had 3 sweeps. I was having contractions and was 1cm dilated too from about 36 and a half weeks, and nothing came of it.
I had to be induced at 40+6 weeks due to periods of reduced movement. The only thing that kick started my labour was the hormone gel lol

I think it's just a matter of when your body is ready. You can try everything but if it's not ready it's just not going to happen. I think it's also common for first babies to be late...

You've still got some time though before you reach the possibility of a c section so you never know what will happen. Fingers crossed you don't need it and baby comes soon! Good luck :)

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